Salinization map 2014/2017 - helicopter measurements

It concerns the data points of the two measurement campaigns (2014 and 2017) of the electromagnetic survey from the air. The first campaign was carried out on the East Coast (Knokke-Heist, Bruges and Damme) in April 2014, in which the resistance of the subsoil was determined. A helicopter then flew parallel lines with a spacing of 250m, with the exception of the Zwin, where a spacing of 100m was used. The second campaign was carried out as part of the European TOPSOIL project. In July 2017, the Western and Central coastal area (French border to Boudewijn Canal), the Meetjesland and the Left Bank were mapped. For the Left Bank sub-area, there was collaboration with the MOW Maritime Access Department, the Antwerp Port Authority, the Left Bank Corporation and the Agency for Nature and Forest. In this study, a helicopter flew parallel lines with a distance of approx. 250m. The data from both measurement campaigns was used to draw up the 2014/2017 salinization map and indicates where measurements were actually taken. The data points also include vertical profiles along the flyline that represent the salinity of the groundwater. For interpretation, in addition to the salinity, the bulk resistivity (in ohm.m), the lithology, and the stratigraphy are also displayed. Interruptions are regularly visible in the figures, the helicopter was unable to perform reliable measurements at these locations. The horizontal resolution of these figures is the measurement resolution of the helicopter, with approximately one measurement every 20 to 40m. The vertical resolution is the layering according to the inversion method used.

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Field Value
Last Updated July 27, 2023, 10:24 (UTC)
Created July 27, 2023, 10:24 (UTC)
GUID d2fab0fb-d6cc-4acb-b9f2-785f97e012c5
access_constraints ["Bij het gebruik van de informatie die DOV aanbiedt, dient steeds volgende standaardreferentie gebruikt te worden: Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen - (vermelding van de beheerder en de specifieke geraadpleegde gegevens) - Geraadpleegd op dd/mm/jjjj, op"]
bbox-east-long 4.2482280076904155
bbox-north-lat 51.384715406257406
bbox-south-lat 50.93306788946768
bbox-west-long 2.5345642057217423
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "creation", "value": "2019-05-09"}]
graphic-preview-type png
harvest_object_id d2737032-04b3-4427-970e-ef532386831c
harvest_source_id a1ad0b10-1c73-4916-9862-424d20a41377
harvest_source_title Flemish region - Open Data Portal CSW Flanders
licence []
lineage In april 2014 en juli 2017 voerde de VMM metingen uit in het kust- en poldergebied om de verziltingstoestand van het grondwater te bepalen. Elektromagnetisch onderzoek vanuit de lucht is de meest efficiënte methode om zoet en zout grondwater regionaal te karteren. De verdeling tussen zoet en zout grondwater werd al eens in kaart gebracht in de jaren 1960 en 1970. Dat is toen bekendgemaakt via de verziltingskaart (1974). De helikoptermetingen werden gebruikt om een nieuwe verziltingskaart (2014/2017) op te maken.
metadata-date 2023-03-24
metadata-language dut
progress completed
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen (DOV)", "roles": ["distributor"]}, {"name": "Ondersteunend Centrum Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen", "roles": ["publisher"]}, {"name": "Vlaamse overheid - Vlaamse MilieuMaatschappij", "roles": ["custodian", "owner"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[2.5345642057217423, 50.93306788946768], [4.2482280076904155, 50.93306788946768], [4.2482280076904155, 51.384715406257406], [2.5345642057217423, 51.384715406257406], [2.5345642057217423, 50.93306788946768]]]}
spatial_harvester true