Iconic buildings

In addition to the monuments address list, there is also an address list with approximately 500 'image-determining' buildings. These are buildings that belong to a 'protected town or village view'. A building can be iconic and also a monument. https://www.utrecht.nl/wonen-en-leven/wonen/uw-koopwoning/monument/monumentenlijst/ https://www.utrecht.nl/wonen-en-leven/wonen/uw-koopwoning/monument/ protected-city-or-villagescape/

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated July 13, 2023, 18:23 (UTC)
Created July 13, 2023, 18:23 (UTC)
harvest_object_id 85500f09-05b6-45a7-9901-f31a6ee9e5e4
harvest_source_id 2d143cca-7932-40e0-9df7-9fe853be01b4
harvest_source_title OverheidNl