Unfinished public works as at 31 December 2019

The dataset contains the registry of unfinished public works recorded as of 31 December 2019 and published as of 21 September 2020. The annual update of the registry of unfinished works is carried out pursuant to the ministerial decree 13 March 2013, no. 42 governing the "Regulation containing the procedures for drafting the list-registry of unfinished public works, pursuant to art. 44-bis of the decree law 6 December 2011, n. 201, converted, with amendments, by law 22 December 2011, n. 214". The list is divided into sections - relating to works of national interest and to works of regional interest and local authorities - based on the territorial area to which the contracting station, the contracting entity or other contracting entity belongs, referred to in 'article 3 of the legislative decree 12 April 2006, n. 163, of the works in question. On the basis of the data entered through the regional information systems or through the SIMOI (Information System for Monitoring of Unfinished Works) by the institutionally responsible subjects, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, together with the Regions and the autonomous Provinces, each for the respective sections of competence, publishes the ranking of unfinished works according to the criteria established by the aforementioned ministerial decree 42/2013. All sections of the list are published on the Public Contracts Service IT platform of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility at the following link: https://www.serviziocontrattipubblici.it/SPInApp/it/works_unfinished.page Please note that, pursuant to 'art. 1 of the aforementioned Ministerial Decree 42/2013, "unfinished public work" means any public work that is not completed for one or more of the following reasons: a) lack of funds; b) technical causes; c) the emergence of new technical standards or legal provisions; d) bankruptcy, forced liquidation and arrangement with creditors of the contractor, termination of the contract pursuant to articles 135 and 136 of legislative decree 12 April 2006, n. 163, or of withdrawal from the contract in accordance with the anti-mafia provisions in force; e) lack of interest in completion by the contracting station, the contracting entity or other contracting entity, referred to in article 3 of legislative decree 12 April 2006, n. 163. The dataset does not include the data relating to the unfinished works of the Piedmont Region published after the deadline of 21 September 2020. The data relating to the Umbria Region, published after the deadline, do not complete the basic information layout and are reported in a separate data file. The data relating to the Liguria Region, being collected with an autonomous system, do not complete the basic information layout and are reported in a separate data file.

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Field Value
Source https://www.serviziocontrattipubblici.it/SPInApp/it/works_unfinished.page
Author General Directorate for Regulation and Public Contracts
Last Updated August 22, 2023, 12:34 (UTC)
Created August 22, 2023, 12:34 (UTC)
End of temporal extent 2019-12-31
Frequency ANNUAL
Start of temporal extent 2019-01-01
category REGI
harvest_object_id 3536183d-835f-41e4-87eb-2f5103480a86
harvest_source_id 5c6e16d2-adc8-4423-92b0-5dd41c52feed
harvest_source_title Ministry of the Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility of Italy - Open Data Portal
spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 6.26220703125, 36.56260003738548 ], [ 6.26220703125, 47.040182144806664 ], [ 18.544921875, 47.040182144806664 ], [ 18.544921875, 36.56260003738548 ], [ 6.26220703125, 36.56260003738548 ] ] ] }