The nationwide transport network of federal waterways (VerkNet-BWaStr) is a topologically linked vector data set of all federal waterways (BWaStr). This basic geodata set is used for continuous station-related georeferencing of all WSV data with direct and indirect spatial reference. In addition, the data set contains a wide range of station-related specialist information such as abbreviations, identification numbers and waterway classes of the federal waterways. The transport network BWaStr contains the following information: -- Where do the federal waterways run? -- How are the tracks stationed? -- How are the individual routes connected? -- How is technical information assigned to route sections? This information is made available via a data set in shape format or as a geodatabase as so-called dynamically segmented polylines. By means of linear referencing, factual data in tabular form can be visualized and used in a GIS on the basis of this data set. The data set can be downloaded here: