Traffic noise (Environmental vision 2014) (history)

Version of Traffic Noise adopted by the Provincial Council of Drenthe on 2 July 2014. This map paints a picture of the intensity of the use of provincial roads. Pursuant to the obligations of the European Environmental Noise Directive - and included in the Environmental Management Act - there is an obligation to draw up a noise action plan for provincial roads with at least 3 million motor vehicles per year (approx. 8,000 motor vehicles per 24 hours). Appears in map 3: Environmental and living environment quality.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated June 8, 2023, 09:58 (UTC)
Created June 8, 2023, 09:58 (UTC)
GUID FEB44D94AC383D26E0441CC1DE40A734
access_constraints ["Geen beperkingen", ""]
bbox-east-long 7.109
bbox-north-lat 53.213
bbox-south-lat 52.601
bbox-west-long 6.105
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "creation", "value": "2014-07-02"}]
graphic-preview-description thumbnail
graphic-preview-type png
harvest_object_id 70da135a-49f7-41fd-a6ba-bf9bcd9251ce
harvest_source_id eacad305-f98c-4980-b74a-8df76bce70d2
harvest_source_title NationaalGeoregisterNL CSW
licence []
lineage Geoportaal Drenthe
metadata-date 2014-07-21
metadata-language dut
progress historicalArchive
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Provincie Drenthe", "roles": ["owner"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[6.105, 52.601], [7.109, 52.601], [7.109, 53.213], [6.105, 53.213], [6.105, 52.601]]]}
spatial-reference-system 28992
spatial_harvester true