TOPOGRAPHIC DATABASE DOWNLOAD SERVICE YEAR 2012. Information detail: STRATO 01 - ROADS, MOBILITY AND TRANSPORT: the layer collects information relating to mobility and transport of whatever nature. STRATO 01-A content: A010101 Vehicular traffic area, A010102 Pedestrian traffic area, A010103 Cycle traffic area, A010104 Road area, A010105 Secondary mixed traffic; LAYER 01-L: L010105 Secondary mixed road system, L010107 Road element, L010202 Railway element, L010204 Tramway element, L010206 Subway element, L010210 Industrial track; LAYER 01-P: P010108 Road Junction, P010203 Railway Junction, P010205 Tramway Junction, P010207 Subway Junction; STRATO 01-LIM: LIM010102 Outline of the pedestrian traffic area, LIM010103 Outline of the cycle path area, LIM010104 Outline of the road area, LIM010105 Outline of the secondary mixed road network. LAYER 02 BUILDINGS AND ANTHROPIZZATION: the layer collects the definition of all those objects that derive from anthropic activity in the territory and that do not constitute transport infrastructure. STRATO 02-A content: A020101 Volumetric unit, A020102 Building, A020105 Architectural detail, A020106 Minor building, A020201 Industrial building, A020202 Monumental and street furniture building, A020203 Stairs, A020204 Sports equipment, A020205 Transport infrastructure building, A020 206 Area equipped soil, A020207 Support trestle, A020210 Wall or division in thickness, A020211 Pipeline, A020301 Bridge/viaduct/overpass, A020303 Tunnel, A020401 Wall retaining and retaining the soil, A020501 Dam, A020502 Embankments, A020503 Hydraulic regulating works; STRATO 02-L: L020104 Cover element, L020209 Partition element; LAYER 02-P: P020208 Pole, P020213 Localization of technological network artifact; STRATO 02-LIM: LIM_020101 Outline of volumetric unit, LIM_020106 Outline of minor building, LIM_020210 Outline of wall or division in thickness, LIM020211 Outline of pipeline, LIM020301 Outline of bridge/viaduct/overpass, LIM020303 Outline of tunnel, LIM020401 Outline of retaining wall and land retention, LIM020502 Embankment outline. LAYER 04 HYDROGRAPHY: the layer collects the topics concerning the description of water bodies, the coast and marine waters. LAYER 04-A content: A040101 Wet area of stream, A040102 Body of water, A040103 Artificial reservoir; LAYER 04-L: L040401 Water element, L040402 Conduit; LAYER 04-P: P040403 Water node; LAYER 04-LIM: LIM_040101 Outline of wet area of stream, LIM_040102 Outline of body of water. LAYER 05 OROGRAPHY: this layer includes both the altimetry theme with the description of contour lines and elevation points, and the natural landforms theme, i.e. those auxiliary elements for reading the morphology of the territory. LAYER 05-A content: A050303 Excavated or landfill area, A050304 Transformation or unstructured area, A050393 Non-vegetated cover; LAYER 05-L: L050101 Contour lines, L050103 Breakline, L050302 Escarpment; LAYER 05-P: P050102 Quoted points; LAYER 05-LIM: LIM_050393 Outline of non-vegetated roof. LAYER 06 VEGETATION: the layer defines classes of entities of a vegetal nature grouped according to the following classification: agro-forestry areas, urban and extra-urban greenery (tree-lined avenues, monumental trees...). LAYER 06-A content: A060101 Forest, A060104 Area temporarily devoid of vegetation, A060105 Uncultivated pasture, A060106 Agricultural crops, A060401 Green area; STRATO 06-L: L060402 Planting trees; STRATO 06-P: P060403 Insulated shaft; LAYER 06-LIM: LIM_060101 Forest outline, LIM_060105 Uncultivated pasture outline, LIM_060106 Agricultural crop outline, LIM_060401 Green area outline. LAYER 07 TECHNOLOGICAL NETWORKS: all the technological networks properly so-called belong to this layer, while the related buildings (manholes, manhole covers, etc.) belong to the layer of buildings. Water networks belong to the Hydrography layer. STRATO 07-L content: L070301 Line section of the electricity network, L070501 Line section of the gas distribution network; LAYER 07-P: P070302 Electricity grid node. LAYER 08 SIGNIFICANT LOCALITIES: this layer contains useful information for orientation in the territory, such as significant localities or geographical areas that would otherwise not be recoverable in the other layers. STRATO 08-P content: P080101 Toponyms and significant localities. LAYER 09 ADMINISTRATIVE AREAS: the layer collects information referring to the main territorial areas of administrative significance. The acquisition of the classes of this stratum must refer to main administrations (Municipality). LAYER 09-A content: A090101 Common; LAYER 09-L: L090102 Municipal limit. LAYER 10 AREAS OF RELEVANCE: are grouped in this layer le vast areas within which objects of different nature often exist and which belong to different strata and different classes. It includes the areas dedicated to the service of the various types of road and transport infrastructures; appurtenances that include recreational areas and services such as school, hospital, cemetery, recreational and sports areas; industrial areas used for the installation of industrial plants of various kinds. LAYER 10-A content: A100101 Road service area, A100102 Rail transport service area, A100104 Airport service area, A100302 Mining area. DBT 2012 available in shapefile format (shp,dbf,shx,prj) of each theme in Areal A, Punctual P, Linear L, LIM geometries, where present. Data projected in RDN2008-TM32 (ETRS89-ETRF00) and Gauss-Boaga (Rome 40-West) system in shapefile format. Return from flight March 2012, nominal scale 1:1000.