Subsidy Register Schiedam

The subsidy register consists of an overview of all awarded subsidies per year. # Explanation registers * Subsidy year: the year for which the subsidy was awarded, in which the activities must be carried out * Year of award: the year in which the decision was drawn up. For budget subsidies, this is in the year preceding the subsidy year * Programme: the budget program of which this subsidy forms a policy and financial part * Task field: this is an overarching theme within which the subsidy fits. Task fields can be found in the budget and the annual accounts. By displaying granted subsidies at the level of the task fields, we can make a better connection with the subsidy section in the budget and the annual accounts * Type of subsidy: The General Subsidy Ordinance 2017 recognizes two types of subsidy: the (multi) annual subsidy and the other subsidy * Applicant: the name of the grant applicant * Description: a description of the purpose and/or activities for which the grant has been awarded * Regularity: is the grant awarded structurally or incidentally? * Requested amount: the amount that has been applied for * Granted amount: the amount that has been granted * Determined amount: the amount on which the subsidy has finally been determined. In the case of lower subsidies, this usually takes place immediately upon granting, in the case of higher amounts only after receipt and assessment of the substantive and financial accountability. This column is not filled in if the subsidy has not yet been determined * Funded from government revenue: is there a specific government scheme from which a subsidy is awarded? An example is the subsidies in the context of the Educational Backlogs policy (OAB). For this purpose, the municipality receives specifically earmarked money from the government * Statutory task: does the granting of the subsidy fulfill a statutory task? More information can be found on the municipal website.

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Field Value
Last Updated July 13, 2023, 18:39 (UTC)
Created July 13, 2023, 18:39 (UTC)
harvest_object_id f41b1b10-7126-46e3-8c0c-0ce4e3a8dcb8
harvest_source_id 2d143cca-7932-40e0-9df7-9fe853be01b4
harvest_source_title OverheidNl