Structure map of Berlin and the surrounding area (SBU)

The SBU is a base map for the creation of smaller-scale thematic maps. It consists of processed ATKIS data and (own) newly recorded geometries. In addition to the use of land in Berlin and the surrounding area of ​​Brandenburg, the map also shows the existence of the railway and main road network. The traffic network has been digitized to the exact aerial photograph and enables spatial intersections. Only one line was recorded per route and only one point per station.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated July 25, 2023, 06:20 (UTC)
Created July 3, 2023, 09:08 (UTC)
GUID fe20d9b4-f0af-4a74-89da-dfd613071610
access_constraints ["F\u00fcr die Nutzung der Daten ist die Datenlizenz Deutschland - Namensnennung - Version 2.0 anzuwenden. Die Lizenz ist \u00fcber abrufbar. Der Quellenvermerk gem\u00e4\u00df (2) der Lizenz lautet \"Geoportal Berlin / [Titel des Datensatzes]\".", "{ \"id\": \"dl-by-de/2.0\" , \"name\": \"Datenlizenz Deutschland - Namensnennung - Version 2.0\", \"url\": \"\", \"quelle\": \"Geoportal Berlin / [Titel des Datensatzes]\" }"]
bbox-east-long 13.7501
bbox-north-lat 52.6688
bbox-south-lat 52.3454
bbox-west-long 13.0928
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "revision", "value": "2023-04-24"}]
encoding utf8
frequency-of-update asNeeded
harvest_object_id d4520cb1-c680-4d3c-b20f-641e43a88b1b
harvest_source_id 97ae1287-bb00-4273-89e9-032858ef2961
harvest_source_title Geodata Infrastructure Berlin
licence []
lineage Daten aus der Berliner Verwaltung
metadata-date 2023-07-21T08:36:47
metadata-language ger
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Senatsverwaltung f\u00fcr Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Wohnen Berlin", "roles": ["pointOfContact"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[13.0928, 52.3454], [13.7501, 52.3454], [13.7501, 52.6688], [13.0928, 52.6688], [13.0928, 52.3454]]]}
spatial_harvester true