Weather stations

The meteorological stations of the network can be composed of sensors that measure precipitation (rain and/or snow), the physical characteristics of the air (temperature, humidity) and other atmospheric phenomena (pressure, direction and speed of the air, solar radiation) The first organic national hydrometeorological survey network was established in the first decade of the 1900s with the creation of the Hydrographic Office of the Water Magistrate. This office managed it for almost 100 years and expanded with a substantial number of measuring stations. In 2001, the state administration transferred hydrological monitoring responsibilities to the Regions and in 2002 it also transferred the monitoring stations observed until then. The current hydrometeorological survey network managed by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region consists of 190 active stations, mono or multiparametric, both with automatic detection with remote data transmission, and with manual detection or local recording. The teletransmission network is totally shared with the regional Civil Protection.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated June 27, 2023, 12:09 (UTC)
Created June 27, 2023, 12:09 (UTC)
GUID r_friuve:m5181-cc-i9426
access_constraints ["Dato pubblico"]
bbox-east-long 13.92
bbox-north-lat 46.66
bbox-south-lat 45.56
bbox-west-long 12.32
coupled-resource [{"title": [], "href": [""], "uuid": []}]
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "creation", "value": "2006-01-01"}]
harvest_object_id b8c6fabe-4e79-439f-9485-acde96a0862a
harvest_source_id 5045f9a0-4055-43f6-b140-9cd49466666b
harvest_source_title GeoDatiGovIt RNDT
licence []
metadata-date 2009-01-21
metadata-language ita
progress completed
resource-type service
responsible-party [{"name": "Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia - SERVIZIO GESTIONE RISORSE IDRICHE", "roles": ["pointOfContact"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[12.32, 45.56], [13.92, 45.56], [13.92, 46.66], [12.32, 46.66], [12.32, 45.56]]]}
spatial-data-service-type download
spatial_harvester true