Railway stations and stations of the Ile-de-France schematic rail network (small format)

Schematic layer describing, by line, the Train, RER and Val stations (but not the metro, tram or funicular stations) open to travelers in Île-de-France. The schematic representation of the objects is suitable for "small format" use for a small scale. Genealogy Data created for Île-de-France Mobilités from geographic data. Quality The location of the stations and station in diagram has no geographical value. On the other hand, the relative positioning of the objects between them is respected as much as possible in order to allow users to locate them in relation to known elements. Other schematic layers available Schematic traces of the Ile-de-France rail transport network (large format) Stations and stations of the Ile-de-France schematic rail network (large format) Schematic plots of the Ile-de-France rail transport network (small format) Ile-de-France schematic rail network stations and stations (small format) Last Changes/strong> 2022 July 2022: Addition of the new TRAM 13 line from Saint-Germain-en-Laye to Saint-Cyr 2019 March 2019: Modification of the name of Orlyval stations "Orly Airport 1-2-3" and "Orly Airport 4" 2018 November 2018: Addition of stations for the extension of the T3B tramway line, from Porte de la Chapelle to Porte d'Asnières-Marguerite Long. Resumption of changes to the route of line D around Corbeil Essonnes. 2017 July 2017: Addition of the stops of the T11 tram line, including the shifting of the stops of the nearby lines to the North of the Island- of France.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/dataset/gares-et-stations-du-reseau-ferre-schematique-dile-de-france-petit-format/
Last Updated August 29, 2023, 20:44 (UTC)
Created June 23, 2023, 14:30 (UTC)
Frequency http://purl.org/cld/freq/annual
GUID https://data.iledefrance.fr/api/v2.1/catalog/datasets/gares-et-stations-du-reseau-ferre-schematique-dile-de-france-petit-format
Identifier gares-et-stations-du-reseau-ferre-schematique-dile-de-france-petit-format@datailedefrance
Issued 2016-06-23T00:00:00
Language ["http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-1/fr"]
Modified 2020-04-21T13:18:42.813000+00:00
Publisher URI https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/?refine.publisher=%C3%8Ele-de-France+Mobilit%C3%A9s
Publisher name Île-de-France Mobilités
Theme ["https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/?refine.theme=D%C3%A9placements+-+transports"]
URI https://data.iledefrance.fr/api/v2.1/catalog/datasets/gares-et-stations-du-reseau-ferre-schematique-dile-de-france-petit-format
related_resource ["https://data.iledefrance-mobilites.fr/explore/dataset/schema_gares-gf/"]