Soil sub-function Natural productivity of the soil function map of Bavaria 1:25,000 (BFK25) for three project areas

Soils fulfill important functions in the ecosystem. The Federal Soil Protection Act protects these valuable soil functions. The performance of the soil in the ecosystem is evaluated with soil function maps. The evaluation is based on soil maps (usually overview soil maps with a mean of 1:25,000) and other extensive information on the environment and location. The area information is converted to evaluations with the help of linking rules. Soils ensure our food supply. However, intensive agriculture requires a high energy input and can cause environmental problems. Environmentally friendly agriculture is most likely to be possible on soils with a high natural productivity. The assessment of the natural productivity of agricultural soils is based on the agricultural site map of the State Institute for Agriculture (LfL). It takes geological, soil, vegetation and climatic conditions into account and indicates the suitability of use of arable and grassland locations in their different capacities. The map indicates which locations are particularly suitable for agricultural use due to their high productivity. The soil function map "Natural productivity of agricultural soils" represents a soil protection evaluation of the agricultural site map. Since the basic data of the soil function map are partly based on different topographical bases, when comparing with current utilization maps, inaccuracies in intersection occur, especially at utilization limits. Areas with less than 5000 m² were added to neighboring areas.

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Field Value
Last Updated June 17, 2023, 04:04 (UTC)
Created June 17, 2023, 04:04 (UTC)
Alternate identifier ["d6ecefda-5f3d-49b5-adfc-cda0d639e23c"]
Contact email
Contact name Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt
Identifier d6ecefda-5f3d-49b5-adfc-cda0d639e23c
Issued 2016-06-01
Language [""]
Modified 2022-10-26T06:58:30+01:00
Publisher URL
Publisher email
Publisher name Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt
Theme ["", "", ""]
access_rights Der Datensatz/Dienst steht unter der Lizenz: Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Die Namensnennung des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Umwelt als Rechteinhaber hat in folgender Weise zu erfolgen: "Datenquelle: Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt,". Die Nutzung von Daten über Dienste ist geldleistungsfrei. Bei Bezug von Daten über die Datenstelle des LfU (nur Daten, die nicht über Dienste verfügbar sind) wird eine Bereitstellungsgebühr erhoben, die sich an der Umweltgebührenordnung orientiert.
contributorID [""]
harvest_object_id db407c75-2e85-4128-8594-85b4fea3fe79
harvest_source_id 1da0a2ca-d24c-4f40-a127-12319109776d
harvest_source_title Germany - Open Data Portal
maintainer_city Augsburg
maintainer_country DE
maintainer_street Bürgermeister-Ulrich-Straße 160
maintainer_tel +49-821-9071-0
maintainer_zip 86179
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[10.9502663529, 50.5104224394], [13.9085573329, 50.5104224394], [13.9085573329, 48.2952092318], [10.9502663529, 48.2952092318], [10.9502663529, 50.5104224394]]]}