Scholarship students from health and social training (Feb. 2013)

The extraction concerns students who have created a file to obtain a scholarship. Some students have not finalized their scholarship application file (file in writing or not processed by the school). The codes associated with certain data have the following meaning: Civility: Madam (=1); Sir (=2)Nationality: French (=1); nationals of the European Union (=2); foreigners excluding European Union nationals (=3)Period Id: computer coding of the period starting September 2007=1File status: DNT = notified file (agreement or refusal); DAI = file awaiting instruction (file which was validated by the school in error or never completed by the student); DIN = incomplete files (reported by the school) Decision: AB = scholarship termination (in case of abandonment); BA= scholarship awarded; BR= scholarship refused; DI= incomplete file (reported by the Region); ND= no decision; RGA=graceful appeal granted; RGR = voluntary appeal refusedStudent Validation Date = date on which the student definitively validated online the creation of their scholarship applicationCenter Validation Date = date on which the center training has definitively validated the student's requestNotification Date = date on which the Region launches the notification procedure: agreement or refusal

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated September 12, 2023, 17:36 (UTC)
Created September 12, 2023, 17:36 (UTC)
Frequency Semestrielle (en mars pour la session de février et en octobre pour la session de septembre)
Issued 2013-05-07T00:00:00
Language [""]
Modified 2013-05-30T07:49:05+00:00
Publisher URI
Publisher name Région Île-de-France
Spatial URI Île-de-France
Theme [""]
harvest_object_id 7e1acdab-c992-4cb5-aff9-ee6e09f9a4a5
harvest_source_id e5d9c8a2-c401-4990-a089-86fbf565df08
harvest_source_title Ile-de-France Open Data Portal