Air quality – Exposure of Parisians to NO2 and PM2.5

Dataset determining annually the number of Parisians at home subjected to a exceeding regulatory values ​​or WHO recommendations.Every year, Airparif has the regulatory obligation to publish the annual air quality report. It provides details on the exposure of Ile-de-France residents to pollution according to pollutants and locations.The concentrations of regulated pollutants have been decreasing for several years in Paris and Île-de-France, thanks to the reduction in emissions from road traffic (reduction in traffic and improvement in the car fleet thanks to successive euro standards) , and those in the residential sector.However, some parien(ne)s remain exposed to exceeding regulatory values ​​and/or WHO recommendations.NB:For 2020, a particular year due to COVID-related restrictions, Airparif does not have the exact population exposure figure. Airparif has estimated this exposure at less than 1% population.You can find all the Air Quality datasets HEREThe data provider is Airparif >> Annual pollution reports and maps | AirparifLink >> Air and sound environment - City of Paris; "Paris gets fresh air!", air quality - City of Paris;

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Field Value
Last Updated August 29, 2023, 20:40 (UTC)
Created July 4, 2023, 15:32 (UTC)
Contact email
Identifier qualite-de-l-air-exposition-des-parisen-ne-s-au-no2-et-pm2-5@parisdata
Issued 2023-06-15T00:00:00
Language [""]
Modified 2023-08-22T12:08:36+00:00
Publisher URI
Publisher name Direction de la Transition Écologique et du Climat - Ville de Paris
Start of temporal extent 2014-12-31T22:00:00+00:00
Theme [""]