The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (PUMS) is the strategic document that aims to guide the city's mobility policies for the next 10 years. The Florentine tramway system, a reliable, regular, frequent and high-capacity public transport network, plays a central role in the PUMS of the Metropolitan City. The reference scenario of the tram system shows the extension of the lines in operation as of 10 October 2018 and the financed lines. The preparation of the PUMS is based on a logic based on scenarios, aimed at verifying and comparing the effects of different possible strategies for the governance of mobility: the Reference Scenario (i.e. the interventions that can be implemented independently of the PUMS as they are already planned-programmed and already financially backed), the Plan Scenario (i.e. the infrastructural and non-infrastructural interventions, additional to the Reference Scenario that meet the general and specific objectives that the PUMS has set itself), the Evolutionary Scenario. The PUMS geographical data being published refer to the three scenarios of the plan contained in the approved tables. 121 of 19 December 2018 and with Resolution of the Metropolitan Council n. 24 of 04/21/2021 definitively approved the Pums-Urban plan for sustainable mobility of the Metrocittà.