The layer contains the alphanumeric data and the geometries of the cadastral maps relating to the historical-architectural assets of the FVG having particular value from a landscape point of view. In particular, the territorial contexts of assets already subject to monumental protection were taken into consideration pursuant to the second part of Legislative Decree 42/2004 (articles 12 and 13) or the previous legislation (ex l. 778/1922 and 1497/1939 ), as well as areas already recognized by local planning tools or by indications received during the PPR participation process. The systematic comparison between the specific data identified, the data reported by the participation and the areas previously subject to protection measures, has led to the identification of territorial contexts of particular cultural value called "additional contexts", for which the Plan introduces specific safeguards and utilization measures. These "additional contexts" were identified by determining, with respect to the landscape context that is significantly perceptible at present, the characteristics and landscape values of the open space that surrounds the assets, based on the location of the asset in the area, the possible presence of pieces of open agricultural spaces still present or compromises connected to urbanization phenomena. This database is not definitive but only for information. The perimeters of the properties and areas of notable public interest published have no legal value. For the regulatory details relating to these assets as well as the exact perimeters, please refer to the indications provided in the individual protective measures.