Vintage population - Ile-de-France municipalities

This dataset presents the vintage legal populations, produced by INSEE, at the municipal level, from the year 2006. The legal vintage populations of a year N come into force on 1st January of the year N+3. Their statistical reference date is 1st January N+3 and take into account the territorial limits of the municipalities as defined for year N+3.. (for example)The applied population definition is as follows: Municipal population:The municipal population includes people who have their usual residence on the territory of the municipality, in a dwelling or community, people detained in the prison establishments of the municipality, homeless people registered on the territory of the municipality and the people usually residing in a mobile home listed on the territory of the municipality. Population counted separately: The population counted separately includes certain people whose usual residence is in another municipality but who have kept a residence on the territory of the municipality: minors whose the family residence is in another municipality but who reside, because of their studies, in the municipalitypeople with a family residence on the territory of the municipality and residing in a community of another municipality ; the community being part of the following list: medium or long stay services of public or private health establishments, medium or long stay social establishments, retirement homes, homes and social residences;religious communities;barracks or military establishments;adults under the age of 25 who have their family residence on the territory of the municipality and who reside in another municipality for their studies;people without a fixed address attached to the municipality within the meaning of the law of January 3, 1969 and not listed in the municipality.Total population : Total population is the sum of the municipal population and the population counted separately. More information on legal populations can be found at the following link: other COMs and Mayotte carry out, by derogation (article 157), general population censuses every five years. The statistical processing of these censuses is the responsibility of the competent statistical institute: INSEE for Mayotte, the local statistical institute for each of the three Pacific communities. For Mayotte, the data for year N are considered equivalent for the other municipalities with a census year of N-3 until the next census. Example: the census years from 2009 to 2013 correspond to the Mayotte census of 2012 (year of use therefore from 2012 to 2016).

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Field Value
Last Updated August 29, 2023, 20:44 (UTC)
Created June 23, 2023, 14:30 (UTC)
Identifier population-millesimee-communes-francaises@datailedefrance
Issued 2019-09-27T12:28:52+00:00
Language [""]
Modified 2019-09-27T12:28:52+00:00
Publisher URI
Publisher name INSEE
Theme [""]
related_resource [""]