PIM (Mandate Investment Program)

The PIM (Mandate Investment Program) brings together all the investment operations for which the financial settlement will take place over the period of the mandate, namely 2015 - 2020, i.e. 6 accounting years. It is divided into large blocks such as, for example, housing and the promotion of social diversity; the transformation of Paris into a green, open and peaceful city; education; the development of public transport; the energy transition, for the most important themes. Column name Definition Public policy Major transversal and structuring theme corresponding to a major axis of the investment effort undertaken under the 2015-2020 mandate Public policy detail Subset of a public policy theme. Specifies the destination of the allocated credits of the public policy concerned. PIM amount The PIM amount is the envelope allocated in Payment Credits (CP) over the period 2015-2020. This amount amounts to 10 billion in total and is broken down into envelopes by public policy then into sub-envelopes by detail of public policy.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/dataset/pim/
Last Updated September 13, 2023, 10:41 (UTC)
Created September 13, 2023, 10:41 (UTC)
Frequency http://purl.org/cld/freq/annual
GUID https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/dataset/pim/
Identifier https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/dataset/pim/
Issued 2015-05-13T14:19:11+00:00
Language ["http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-1/fr"]
Modified 2015-05-13T14:19:11+00:00
Publisher URI https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/?refine.publisher=Direction+des+Finances+et+des+Achats+-+Ville+de+Paris
Publisher name Direction des Finances et des Achats - Ville de Paris
Theme ["https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/?refine.theme=Administration+et+Finances+Publiques"]
URI https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/dataset/pim/
harvest_object_id 7c58f260-25e4-4f70-b324-9aba15d1319e
harvest_source_id fd1c099b-1a4f-49e9-b2e6-afc98c862115
harvest_source_title Paris open Data