Parking ticket machines in the Hanseatic and university city of Rostock

This data record includes the locations of the parking ticket machines in the Hanseatic and university city of Rostock with information on the number, designation, zone, mobile phone parking zone, tariff, operating times, minimum parking time at the normal tariff (Zone W in the high season), maximum parking time at the normal tariff (Zone W in the high season), maximum fees for the Normal rate (Zone W in the high season), fees per hour at the normal rate (Zone W in the high season), fee increments at the normal rate (Zone W in the high season), minimum parking time at the event rate (Zone W in the low season, zone B for the Hanse Sail and the Christmas market), maximum parking time at the event rate (Zone W for the off-season, Zone B for the Hanse Sail and the Christmas market), maximum fees at the event rate (Zone W for the off-season, Zone B for the Hanse Sail and the Christmas market), fees per hour at the event rate (Zone W for the off-season, Zone B to the Hanse Sail and the Christmas market), fee increments for the event tariff (Zone W in the low season, Zone B for the Hanse Sail and the Christmas market), permitted coins, resident parking area, car parking spaces and bus parking spaces.

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Last Updated August 17, 2023, 15:51 (UTC)
Created August 17, 2023, 15:51 (UTC)
Contact email
Contact name Kataster-, Vermessungs- und Liegenschaftsamt der Hanse- und Universitätsstadt Rostock
Identifier d1d66a44-d8b2-41a2-964e-5853a0352f50
Modified 2020-12-18T00:00:00+00:00
Publisher URI
Publisher name Kataster-, Vermessungs- und Liegenschaftsamt der Hanse- und Universitätsstadt Rostock
Theme [""]
access_rights siehe Nutzungseinschränkungen Das von der Hanse- und Universitätsstadt Rostock hier angebotene Werk unterliegt der gemeinfreien Lizenz Creative Commons 1.0 Universell Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0; URL: Damit ist alles gestattet, ohne um weitere Erlaubnis bitten zu müssen. Es gelten folgende Regelungen zu Gewährleistung und Haftung:
contributorID [""]
harvest_object_id 63e68f66-d22c-4e72-aa0f-7d4edc72bac7
harvest_source_id 1da0a2ca-d24c-4f40-a127-12319109776d
harvest_source_title Germany - Open Data Portal
maintainer_city DE-MV
maintainer_country DE
maintainer_street Holbeinplatz 14
maintainer_zip 18069
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[11.9936, 54.2466], [12.3045, 54.2466], [12.3045, 54.0486], [11.9936, 54.0486], [11.9936, 54.2466]]]}
spatial_text 130030000000, Hanse- und Universitätsstadt Rostock