The WMS and WMTS Ortofoto 1980-1990 geoservices allow the viewing of the black and white orthophotos produced at the time of the first installation of the Regional Technical Map 1:10'000.The acquisition period varies from 1985 to 1992.The WMS service contains, in addition to level of the orthophoto image (regp_ortophoto_1980_90), also a level relating to the shooting date of each orthophoto (regp_qu_CTR). The WMTS service instead contains only the tiles of the images without the shooting date.Data genealogy.- Scanning of the originals paper orthophotos, in TIFF format with LZW compression;- Georeferencing, mosaicing and clipping on the edge of the corresponding CTR sections;- Catalog generation;- Production of WMS and WMTS services.