Orthophoto mosaic, medium scale, winter images, color, 2000-2003, Flanders

In the period 2000-2003, the AGIV, the Flemish provinces and the Agency for Agriculture and Fisheries (ALV) jointly commissioned the creation of an area-wide medium-scale orthophoto coverage of the Flemish Region, including the Brussels-Capital Region. The orthophoto mosaic 2000 of the province of West Flanders is the exclusive property of the province of West Flanders. This product is a compilation of the orthophoto mosaics (winter shots) that were created for each part of this area in the relevant period. The compilation has a ground resolution of 25cm. The product is supplemented with a 'flight day contour' dataset that shows the recording date for each part of the compilation.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated November 21, 2023, 18:04 (UTC)
Created November 21, 2023, 18:04 (UTC)
GUID ded85fcf-bf6e-497c-8a89-4896762e04ad
access_constraints ["De gegevens zijn beschermd door het auteursrecht. Indien u een ander type van gebruik wil maken van de gegevens, dan de hier vermelde, dient u zich te wenden tot de eigenaar van de gegevens.", "Bronvermeldingsvoorschrift: \"Bron: Digitaal Vlaanderen + Vlaamse Provincies\""]
bbox-east-long 5.92
bbox-north-lat 51.51
bbox-south-lat 50.6756
bbox-west-long 2.54154
contact-email digitaal.vlaanderen@vlaanderen.be
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "publication", "value": "2015-12-07"}]
graphic-preview-description Voorbeeldweergave
graphic-preview-file https://metadata.vlaanderen.be/metadatacenter/srv/dut/resources.get?uuid=ded85fcf-bf6e-497c-8a89-4896762e04ad&fname=OMWRGB00_03VL_vdc_1449510568038.jpg
graphic-preview-type jpg
harvest_object_id 89a7c789-1f9c-4143-8026-08753cf88cbd
harvest_source_id b3b90ed5-2658-477b-ae81-31c3b7dabfe0
harvest_source_title Flemish region - Open Data Portal CWS
licence ["Data zijn niet geschikt voor het karteren van objecten die boven of onder het maaiveld gelegen zijn.", "De geometrische nauwkeurigheid buiten het Vlaamse Gewest is minder dan de algemene kwaliteit omwille van een minder nauwkeurig DTM.", "De overgang tussen iedere deelmoza\u00efek verloopt via rechte lijnen die objecten en structuren doorsnijden."]
lineage compilatie orthofotomozaïek, middenschalig, winteropnamen, kleur, 2000-2003, Vlaanderen
metadata-date 2023-03-27
metadata-language dut
progress completed
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "", "roles": ["owner"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[2.54154, 50.6756], [5.92, 50.6756], [5.92, 51.51], [2.54154, 51.51], [2.54154, 50.6756]]]}
spatial_harvester true
temporal-extent-begin 2000-01-01
temporal-extent-end 2003-03-15