Orthophoto RER 2022 RGB

Four-band orthoimages viewable in color in RGB, with an average pixel of 20 cm. The acquisition of the images was carried out in the period February-May 2022, in order to obtain data on the ground in a situation with reduced foliation; cartographic cut: elements at 1:5,000. Territory involved: Enza stream basin (portion), Apennine ridge in the provinces of Bologna and Modena, Parco Vena del Gesso Romagnola area, capitals of Imola and Faenza, area of ​​the 9 Municipalities of Valmarecchia entered into Emilia-Romagna Region in 2009 and 2021. The extent of the surveyed areas and further information are available in the "metadati_raster" WMS service

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated May 3, 2023, 13:26 (UTC)
Created May 3, 2023, 13:26 (UTC)
GUID r_emiro:2022-12-23T144405
access_constraints []
bbox-east-long 12.548880
bbox-north-lat 44.927670
bbox-south-lat 43.721040
bbox-west-long 10.320360
contact-email archiviocart@regione.emilia-romagna.it
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "creation", "value": "2022-08-01"}, {"type": "publication", "value": "2022-08-01"}, {"type": "revision", "value": "2022-08-01"}]
frequency-of-update irregular
graphic-preview-description n.d.
graphic-preview-file http://mappegis.regione.emilia-romagna.it/archiviogis/sig/images/bookshop/carto/Ortofoto_RER_2022_RGB.png
graphic-preview-type PNG
licence ["Restricted use of data (any other information in the 'other constraints' attribute) https://geoportale.regione.emilia-romagna.it/approfondimenti/licenze/uso-ristretto-dei-dati", "Wide use for institutions to Local Authorities and other Public Entities or private subjects who operate on its behalf and for purposes of public interest, while the use by other subjects is limited to consultation only and the download of the images is not permitted."]
lineage Digital acquisition of RGBI images with cloud cover less than 5% and their orthoprojection
metadata-date 2023-03-30
metadata-language ita
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Regione Emilia-Romagna", "roles": ["pointOfContact"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[10.32036, 43.72104], [12.54888, 43.72104], [12.54888, 44.92767], [10.32036, 44.92767], [10.32036, 43.72104]]]}
spatial-reference-system RDN2008/UTM zone 32N
spatial_harvester true
temporal-extent-begin 2022-02-09
temporal-extent-end 2022-05-23