Orthophotoplan Flight GAI - Shooting 1954-55
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | April 28, 2023, 23:22 (UTC) |
Created | April 28, 2023, 23:22 (UTC) |
GUID | r_emiro:2011-09-23T172718 |
access_constraints | [] |
bbox-east-long | 13.11 |
bbox-north-lat | 44.61 |
bbox-south-lat | 43.42 |
bbox-west-long | 12.11 |
contact-email | luisa.perini@regione.emilia-romagna.it |
coupled-resource | [] |
dataset-reference-date | [{"type": "publication", "value": "2006-01-01"}] |
frequency-of-update | notPlanned |
licence | ["CC BY 3.0 (Creative Commons - Attribution) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode.it", "Public data (Digital Administration Code)"] |
lineage | The aerial photos are partly owned by us (Seismic Geological and Soil Service of the Emilia-Romagna Region) and partly were acquired by the IBC (Institute for artistic, cultural and natural heritage) of the Emilia-Romagna Region. The digital orthophoto is the product of the differential rectification of the digitized aerial photo, orthorectified on the basis of the digital terrain model (DTM) of the Region with a regular 5-metre grid in terrain coordinates and georeferenced in the regional geodetic-cartographic system UTM*. The digital orthophoto is the result of the mosaic of the useful frames and the information content depends on the nominal size of the pixel, which in the case in question is approximately 0.5m X 0.5m in terrain coordinates. |
metadata-date | 2011-09-23 |
metadata-language | ita |
progress | |
resource-type | dataset |
responsible-party | [{"name": "Geological, Seismic and Soil Service - Emilia-Romagna Region", "roles": ["pointOfContact"]}] |
spatial | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[12.11, 43.42], [13.11, 43.42], [13.11, 44.61], [12.11, 44.61], [12.11, 43.42]]]} |
spatial-data-service-type | |
spatial-reference-system | Monte Mario / TM Emilia-Romagna |
spatial_harvester | true |
temporal-extent-begin | 1954-08-04 |
temporal-extent-end | 1955-07-30 |