Offshore Sand Information System (In_Sand) - Sand sampling operations

Refers to the polygon representing the sand extraction area within the established sub-zone. To date, four sand sampling operations have been carried out in the offshore fields, distributed as follows: three in the RER_C1 field in the years 2002, 2007 and 2016 and one in the RER_A0 field implemented in 2007.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated May 3, 2023, 21:57 (UTC)
Created May 3, 2023, 21:57 (UTC)
GUID r_emiro:2017-10-02T131144
access_constraints []
bbox-east-long 12.850398
bbox-north-lat 45.169558
bbox-south-lat 43.703388
bbox-west-long 9.172921
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "creation", "value": "2017-01-01"}, {"type": "publication", "value": "2017-01-01"}, {"type": "revision", "value": "2017-01-01"}]
frequency-of-update asNeeded
licence ["CC BY 3.0 (Creative Commons - Attribuzione)"]
lineage The polygons of the interventions have been designed considering the areas of the deposits where to go and collect the underwater sands to be communicated to the company executing the dredging intervention, as they are considered the areas with a greater availability of sandy material that can be withdrawn. Each area has a series of information mainly concerning the volume of sand dredged, the volume left and the volume available for the next intervention, calculated on the basis of the bathymetric surveys (multibeam) before and after the sampling intervention.
metadata-date 2018-12-12
metadata-language ita
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Geological, Seismic and Soil Service - Emilia-Romagna Region", "roles": ["pointOfContact"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[9.172921, 43.703388], [12.850398, 43.703388], [12.850398, 45.169558], [9.172921, 45.169558], [9.172921, 43.703388]]]}
spatial-reference-system WGS84/UTM 33N
spatial_harvester true
temporal-extent-begin 2002-01-01
temporal-extent-end 2016-12-31