The Numerical Technical Paper in 1:2000 scale, represented in the Gauss projection, is framed in the Regional Technical Paper in 1:10,000 scale, therefore each sheet at the 1:2000 scale will be equal to the 25th part of the CTR section. Planimetric tolerances: - The maximum permissible error (tolerance) in the planimetric position of clearly identifiable points on the map with respect to the same points on the ground, whose position has been determined with measurements of sufficient precision, is: 0.80 m. - The maximum error (tolerance td) from which the measurement of the distance D between two well-identified points, taken from the map, highlighted with high-precision measurements, may be affected is: td ( 0.60 + D/1000 ) m., if it is D 600 m., td 1.20 m. if it is D > 600 m. Altimetric tolerance - The maximum error (tolerance) th which the elevation of an isolated point, shown on the map, highlighted on the basis of high precision measurements, may be affected by is: th = m.0.60. The tolerances for the unevenness are: tq 0,60m. +D/1000m. for D 300m, tq 0.90m. for D > 300 m. The maximum error (tolerance) tcl which the height of a point belonging to a contour line may be affected is: tcl m. 0.90 For the contour lines drawn in those parts of the ground covered by dense perennial vegetation, the maximum error which the elevation of a point belonging to it may be affected is: th = half the average height of the vegetation. Each sheet at the scale 1:2000 will be identified by a number and a name. The number will be of the XXXYYZZ type in which the first three digits designate the 1:50,000 scale sheet, the fourth and fifth designate the CTR section (from 01 to 16), the sixth and seventh designate the 1:2000 sheet. The name will normally be that of the capital municipality with subtitles indicating the area included in the survey (district, hamlet, inhabited centre, etc.). Lot 1 falls within the provinces of Palermo and Caltanissetta.