Numerical Technical Paper scale 1:2000 lot 1 (2005 edition)

The Numerical Technical Paper in 1:2000 scale, represented in the Gauss projection, is framed in the Regional Technical Paper in 1:10,000 scale, therefore each sheet at the 1:2000 scale will be equal to the 25th part of the CTR section. Planimetric tolerances: - The maximum permissible error (tolerance) in the planimetric position of clearly identifiable points on the map with respect to the same points on the ground, whose position has been determined with measurements of sufficient precision, is: 0.80 m. - The maximum error (tolerance td) from which the measurement of the distance D between two well-identified points, taken from the map, highlighted with high-precision measurements, may be affected is: td ( 0.60 + D/1000 ) m., if it is D 600 m., td 1.20 m. if it is D > 600 m. Altimetric tolerance - The maximum error (tolerance) th which the elevation of an isolated point, shown on the map, highlighted on the basis of high precision measurements, may be affected by is: th = m.0.60. The tolerances for the unevenness are: tq 0,60m. +D/1000m. for D 300m, tq 0.90m. for D > 300 m. The maximum error (tolerance) tcl which the height of a point belonging to a contour line may be affected is: tcl m. 0.90 For the contour lines drawn in those parts of the ground covered by dense perennial vegetation, the maximum error which the elevation of a point belonging to it may be affected is: th = half the average height of the vegetation. Each sheet at the scale 1:2000 will be identified by a number and a name. The number will be of the XXXYYZZ type in which the first three digits designate the 1:50,000 scale sheet, the fourth and fifth designate the CTR section (from 01 to 16), the sixth and seventh designate the 1:2000 sheet. The name will normally be that of the capital municipality with subtitles indicating the area included in the survey (district, hamlet, inhabited centre, etc.). Lot 1 falls within the provinces of Palermo and Caltanissetta.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated April 28, 2023, 00:23 (UTC)
Created April 28, 2023, 00:23 (UTC)
GUID r_sicili:5e148d72-21a1-4a55-afec-341e35680ac5
access_constraints ["no restrictions", "no constraints"]
bbox-east-long 14.535000000000
bbox-north-lat 38.827000000000
bbox-south-lat 36.933000000000
bbox-west-long 12.816000000000
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "publication", "value": "2005-01-01"}]
frequency-of-update notPlanned
harvest_object_id b529174b-dbb6-4114-b690-a93cd8e07f81
harvest_source_id 5045f9a0-4055-43f6-b140-9cd49466666b
harvest_source_title GeoDatiGovIt RNDT
licence ["The transfer of the material owned by the Sicilian Region is subject to the legislation that regulates copyright; the right of use is granted upon payment of the rights provided for by article 49, paragraph 3 of the regional law of 8 February 2007, n. 2 as explained by the regulation approved by council decree n\u00b0 246/GAB of 10/22/2007 published on the website; with the obligation to cite the source."]
lineage Numerical CTR obtained through digital aerophotogrammetric restitution from color analogue flight with average frame scale of 1:8,000, scanning, digital aero-triangulation divided into information layers as established by the specifications.A Communications system.B Buildings and other structures.C Waters. D Structures connected to the production and transport of energy.E Dividing and support elements.F Morphology.G VegetationH Orography.I Administrative boundaries and miscellaneous.L Toponyms.M Positioning points.Extension: Ha 8.558 urb. dense, It has 14.570 urb. about 65,417 hectares aerial photography Design: Arch. Maria Donatella Borsellino Supervision of Works: Arch. Domenica Gambino Testing: Arch. Giovanni Fazio Contractor: RTI Studio A s.r.l. (parent company), S.A.S. s.r.l., R.T.A. s.r.l., SERMA s.r.l. Delivery date of the works: 03/03/2003 End date of the works: 04/29/2006 Status of the works: completed and tested
metadata-date 2011-02-27T23:00:00Z
metadata-language ita
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Regione Siciliana", "roles": ["owner"]}, {"name": "S.A.S. s.r.l. Palermo-R.T.A. s.r.l Campobasso- STA s.n.c Firenze \u2013 Studio A s.r.l. Firenze", "roles" : ["author"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[12.816, 36.933], [14.535, 36.933], [14.535, 38.827], [12.816, 38.827], [12.816, 36.933]]]}
spatial-reference-system 3004
spatial_harvester true