Bike rent

The dataset contains points from three different rental networks (Südtirol Rad, Papin Sport and Bike Sharing Bolzano). Bicycles can be rented in one of the stations and returned in another of the same rental network. Südtirol Rad and Papin Sport accept the Mobilcard South Tyrol. As a fourth category, the dataset contains independent rental points. Data sources for the preparation of the dataset: Südtirol Rad, Papin Sport, Municipality of Bolzano, LTS, OSM (with position corrections)

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated June 27, 2023, 11:08 (UTC)
Created June 27, 2023, 11:08 (UTC)
GUID p_bz:TransportNetwork:Infrastructures-CyclewaysRentals
access_constraints [""]
bbox-east-long 12.51
bbox-north-lat 47.14
bbox-south-lat 46.18
bbox-west-long 10.29
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "creation", "value": "2019-04-23"}, {"type": "publication", "value": "2019-05-09"}]
frequency-of-update asNeeded
graphic-preview-description WMS GetMap
harvest_object_id 8c574f0d-5dfd-4e86-ba6b-8d2f0edee34a
harvest_source_id 5045f9a0-4055-43f6-b140-9cd49466666b
harvest_source_title GeoDatiGovIt RNDT
licence []
lineage Dati derivati da digitalizzazione su base ortofoto
metadata-date 2022-12-14
metadata-language ita
progress completed
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Ufficio Infrastrutture e mobilit\u00e0 sostenibile", "roles": ["pointOfContact"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[10.29, 46.18], [12.51, 46.18], [12.51, 47.14], [10.29, 47.14], [10.29, 46.18]]]}
spatial-reference-system ETRS89/ETRS-TM32
spatial_harvester true