Dataset describing the network of cycle routes in Paris.Learn more about Cycling - Paris.frData Model DescriptionTypes:Bike Path:cycling lane, physically separated from other general trafficBicycle Lane: lane reserved for cyclists on a roadway open to general traffic Bus Corridor Open to Bikes: lane reserved for buses and certain categories of vehicles. Authorization for cyclists to use it is materialized by bicycle logos floor or bike signsOther cycling routes: Set of routes that can be taken by cyclists, prohibited to general traffic and not part of the other types of facilities described above. This includes in particular lanes in pedestrian areas, contraflow cycle paths, lanes closed to general trafficTwo way layout:Indicates whether the layout is passable in both directions by respecting the traffic rule on the right. Applies mainly to cycle paths and bus lanes.Speed scheme:Way to 50: by default, regulatory speed limit in urban areas at 50 km/hWay to 30: axis whose speed has been limited to 30 km/h, often near schoolsArea 30: district where traffic speed is moderated to 30 km/h to promote the coexistence of all road users. All roads are two-way for cyclists, unless different provisions are made by the authority vested with police powerMeeting area: set of lanes where pedestrians have absolute priority and are authorized to circulate on the roadway, even if sidewalks are present. The speed of movement of other users is limited to 20 km/h. All roadways are two-way for cyclists, unless otherwise provided by the authority vested with police powerPedestrian area: set of streets and alleys where traffic is reserved for pedestrians. Cyclists are admitted at walking speed. All parking is prohibited there as well as motorized transit traffic. Bike direction:General Flow Direction: cyclists ride in the same direction as general traffic Contresens: cyclists ride against general trafficNB: some routes do not have a general traffic directionWay:Lane nameRounding:District in which the cycle section is located. Calculated fieldBois :Allows to identify whether the trunk belongs to the Boulogne or Vincennes wood . . . . Calculated field String length :Calculated trunk length in metersPosition layout :Lateral : the amenity is located on the right or left side of the road. Axial : the amenity is located along a central embankment or axially from the road<b style="font- family: inherited; font - size : 0.833rem ; " General circulation forbidden :The lane is prohibited to general traffic. This is the default case for pedestrian areas.<b style="font-family: inherit; font - size : 0.833rem ; " Bus corridor :Protected : the bus lane is physically separated from general traffic, usually by a concrete or granite separator Marked : the bus lane is simply marked and separated from general traffic by a white painted marking.<b style="font-family: inherit; font - size : 0.833rem ; " Cyctable continuity : (currently named "discontinuity reason")Allows you to characterize the physical discontinuity in a cycle layout: crossing a crossroads, pedestrian crossing, carriage entrance passage, etc. Bicycle network: REVe: Allows you to identify the sections of the different express bike networks (REVe) Delivery date:Delivery date information not reliable for some chunks, it has been deleted.