Minutes of the meetings of the Île-de-France regional council and its permanent commission

Since July 1, 2022, in application of articles L4132-12, L4141-1 and R. 4141-2 of the general code of local authorities, a web module publishes the administrative acts of the Region. This dataset offers the administrative acts of this module filtered on the minutes of the sessions of the regional council and the standing commission.The main fields of the minutes: Identifier (SIRET code) of the RegionIdentifier and number of the report Title of the reportCompetent body (regional council or permanent commission)Date of the session (date_presentation)Date of publication in the administrative acts web moduleDate used for the search filter in the module (display_date)Text of the minutes in HTMLUrl of the minutes in PDFComplete dataset of administrative acts

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Field Value
Source https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/dataset/proces-verbaux-cr-cp/
Last Updated September 12, 2023, 17:36 (UTC)
Created September 12, 2023, 17:36 (UTC)
End of temporal extent 2023-04-26T13:51:34+00:00
Frequency Ponctuelle
GUID https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/dataset/proces-verbaux-cr-cp/
Identifier https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/dataset/proces-verbaux-cr-cp/
Issued 2023-04-05T13:52:16.504000+00:00
Language ["http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-1/fr"]
Modified 2023-04-05T13:52:16.504000+00:00
Publisher URI https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/?refine.publisher=R%C3%A9gion+%C3%8Ele-de-France
Publisher name Région Île-de-France
Start of temporal extent 2015-12-18T09:00:00+00:00
Theme ["https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/?refine.theme=Assembl%C3%A9e+r%C3%A9gionale", "https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/?refine.theme=Administration"]
URI https://data.iledefrance.fr/explore/dataset/proces-verbaux-cr-cp/
harvest_object_id 148fe6ec-bd8c-42ab-b340-698e322700a5
harvest_source_id e5d9c8a2-c401-4990-a089-86fbf565df08
harvest_source_title Ile-de-France Open Data Portal