Large-scale land use by remote sensing 2011: department of Haute-Savoie

Please note: only the ground cover is covered in this delivery. This is the land use of the Haute-Savoie department. CEREMA worked in 2013, as part of an exploratory study for the DREAL Rhône Alpes, the DRAAF Rhône-Alpes and the Regional Council of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region) on the implementation semi-automatic of a first level land use layer on 3 test territories from satellite images. The objective of the method is to help the services in charge of territorial planning to calculate the numerical indicators characterizing land use and its evolution in order to meet regulatory requirements in this area. The layer construction method consists of combining automatic extraction of information from satellite images (supervised classifications) and post-processed information from existing databases (BD Topo, RPG, etc.). If the construction process differs from the IGN process for the installation of the future Large Scale OCS layer, and if the specifications of the layer are less ambitious, the objective is to have a layer consistent with the national reference : compatible nomenclature, use of the same structuring skeleton of the territory, same minimum collection unit etc... The interest of such data lies in the following points: - temporal homogeneity of the source information (the satellite images used - RapidEye images at 5m of resolutions from the GEOSUD program) are acquired on the national territory every few months; - possibility of annual updating, due to the annual updating of national satellite coverage, and the use of automated processes; - limited costs (satellite images are available free of charge to institutional users, and the automation of processes reduces the human time required for photo-interpretation methods, for example); - response to a first level of needs (zero state of the "natural framework" and the "urban framework", quantification of the distribution of urban or natural surfaces, quantification of the effectiveness of different development measures taken, etc. ...) It is presented in 7 land cover classes: Human-made surfaces, Transport infrastructures, Bare soils, Water surfaces, Eternal snow and glaciers, Woody vegetation and Non-woody vegetation. The product is delivered in vector format with a minimum collection unit (UMC, size of the smallest polygons) of 500 m². This transition from a 5 m resolution image to a 500 m² UMC implies a generalization of the geometry of the objects represented which is particularly perceptible on the linear elements of the landscape (discontinuity of the road network in particular). When available, usage information is also specified in a 25 m² raster layer. It is broken down into 6 classes: Agriculture, Mines and quarries, Secondary production, land or residential use, Road, Rail, Air. The product is delivered by department, according to the area defined in the CARTO® BD.

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Field Value
Last Updated September 12, 2023, 17:43 (UTC)
Created September 12, 2023, 17:43 (UTC)
GUID 8958e8ed-69f5-4784-830c-7171766cef49
access_constraints []
bbox-east-long 7.032
bbox-north-lat 46.407
bbox-south-lat 45.697
bbox-west-long 5.808
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "publication", "value": "2016-06-22T18:00:00"}, {"type": "revision", "value": "2016-07-26T23:46:22"}, {"type": "creation", "value": "2016-06-22T18:00:00"}]
harvest_object_id 232e5f27-7fd9-41b2-90f3-bae6908ecaf0
harvest_source_id bb5b87c8-2656-45e3-ae6c-abcb98266558
harvest_source_title CEREMA
licence []
lineage Téledetection à partir d'images Rapideyes 2011 + apport de données exogènes BDTopo, Casier viticole, RPG, fichiers fonciers. La méthode de construction de la couche consiste à combiner une extraction automatique d'informations à partir d'images satellites (classifications supervisées sur image Rapideye de 2011) et des informations post-traitées de bases de données existantes (BD Topo®, RPG, Casier viticole...).Ce résultat est une sortie relativement brute du processus de télédetection. Des corrections complémentaires sont réalisées afin de minimiser les erreurs locales que le procédé automatique engendre, ainsi que pour enrichir la nomenclature. Il nous serait très utile d'avoir des retours "utilisateurs" de cette couche. Est-ce que ce type de produit est pertinent au regard de vos besoins de caractérisation de l'occupation des sols ? Quelles sont les améliorations indispensables / prioritaires à apporter au résultat? Comment ce type d'approche pourrait s'intégrer dans vos travaux en cours? En effet, la mise en place de la couverture régionale est en cours. Vos retours nous permettrons d'orienter la méthodologie afin de répondre au mieux aux besoins. Ce travail a bénéficié d'une aide de l'État gérée par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche au titre du Programme Investissements d'Avenir pour le projet EQUIPEX GEOSUD portant la référence ANR-10-EQPX-20 et d'une subvention de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
metadata-date 2020-12-11T13:35:45
metadata-language fre
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Direction R\u00e9gionale de l\u2019Environnement de l\u2019Am\u00e9nagement et du Logement d'Auvergne-Rh\u00f4ne-Alpes (DREAL Auvergne-Rh\u00f4ne-Alpes)", "roles": ["owner"]}, {"name": "Cerema", "roles": ["originator"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[5.808, 45.697], [7.032, 45.697], [7.032, 46.407], [5.808, 46.407], [5.808, 45.697]]]}
spatial-reference-system RGF93 / Lambert-93 (EPSG:2154)
spatial_harvester true
temporal-extent-begin 2016-06-22T18:00:00
temporal-extent-end 2016-06-22T18:00:00