Land Use and Cover 2018 (DUSAF 6.0)

DUSAF (destination of agricultural and forest land use) is a detailed geographical database created in 2000/2001 and now in its 6th version. In this version, orthophotos (made by AGEA, 1 pixel=0.2m on the ground) were used, with color aerial photos taken in 2018 and SPOT6/7 2018 satellite images (1 pixel=1.5m on the ground), in as due to unknown problems AGEA has provided partial coverage of the regional territory, as shown in fig. 1/A, with a geographical "gap" of approximately 4,000 km2, compensated by the aforementioned satellite images, for the surface referred to in fig. 1/B. The entire regional territory was consequently updated with regard to land use and cover and hedges and rows as of 2018. The detail is equal to an information scale of 1:10,000, i.e.: - for the representation of area elements: - for each theme having an area development, the minimum dimensional threshold of representability corresponds to 1600 m2, equal to a cartographic surface on a scale of 1:10,000 of 16 mm2; - the minimum linear dimension of the polygon is 20 m, equal to a length on paper at the working scale of 2 mm; - for the representation of linear elements (rows and hedges): - represented if the linear development on the ground is greater than 40 m. (referred to within the individual plots on which they insist). The rows and hedges are surveyed when they are more than 5 m wide. As regards the geometric modifications of existing polygons, all deviations greater than 20 meters with respect to the existing arc were considered regardless of the surface of the modified area (which may therefore be less than the minimum mapped surface). DUSAF 6.0 is also published in "DUSAF time evolution" for comparison with previous versions.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated April 27, 2023, 19:15 (UTC)
Created April 27, 2023, 19:15 (UTC)
GUID r_lombar:3850b793-c13f-45ee-8bf8-31c020fdbe0e
access_constraints [""]
bbox-east-long 11.53984167902219
bbox-north-lat 46.86847712625671
bbox-south-lat 44.62601182954753
bbox-west-long 8.459408208982188
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "revision", "value": "2019-12-23"}]
frequency-of-update asNeeded
harvest_object_id 3aa1dac6-8ab6-4040-8f57-859d7403e251
harvest_source_id 5045f9a0-4055-43f6-b140-9cd49466666b
harvest_source_title GeoDatiGovIt RNDT
licence []
lineage For this version, orthophotos were used (made by AGEA, 1 pixel=0.2m on the ground), with color aerial photos taken in 2018 and SPOT6/7 2018 satellite images (1 pixel=1.5m on the ground. The legend Dusaf is structured in 5 hierarchical levels of which the first 3 are made up of the classes of the Corine Land Cover project. The 1st level includes 5 general classes that embrace the main types of cover (humanised areas, agricultural areas, wooded areas and semi-natural environments, wetlands, bodies of water), which are increasingly differentiated into the following 2 levels. The need to represent some local specificities has suggested the introduction of another two levels (4 and 5), which, where present, describe characteristic elements of the Lombardy territory These peculiarities were mainly inferred from the accessory databases available for the realization of the works.
metadata-date 2022-10-20
metadata-language ita
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Regione Lombardia", "roles": ["pointOfContact"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[8.459408208982188, 44.62601182954753], [11.53984167902219, 44.62601182954753], [11.53984167902219, 46.86847712625671], [8.459408208982188, 46.86847712625671], [8.459408208982188, 44.62601182954753]]]}
spatial_harvester true