Map of heating degree days of Greece

The map includes estimates for calculations of heating degree days on an annual and monthly basis. The values ​​have been determined by a linear regression method on a canvas of 900 X 900 meters having as input data analytical measurements from 47 meteorological stations of the National Meteorological Service for the years 1997 - 2002. The statistical calculations are indicative since they depend on the adoption of a large number of parameters. More detailed applications are hosted on the pages of the National Energy Information System at 1st edition December 2009 (primary data up to 2003). Map information fields:[JAN15: January warming degree days (Base temperature 15°C), FEB15: February warming degree days (Base temperature 15°C), MAR15: March warming degree days (Base temperature 15°C), APR15: April warming degree days (Base temperature 15°C), MAY15 : May heating degree days (Base temperature 15°C), JUN15: June heating degree days (Base temperature 15°C), JUL15: July heating degree days (Base temperature 15°C), AUG15: August heating degree days (Base temperature 15°C), SEP15: September heating degree days (Base temperature base 15°C), OCT15: October heating degree days (Base temperature 15°C), NOV15: November heating degree days (Base temperature 15°C), DEC15: December heating degree days (Base temperature 15°C), TOT15: Year total heating degree days (Base temperature 15°C), JAN18 : January heating degree days (Base temperature 18°C), FEB18: February heating degree days (Base temperature 18 °C), MAR18: March warming degree days (Base temperature 18°C), APR18: April warming degree days (Base temperature 18°C), MAY18: May warming degree days (Base temperature 18°C), JUN18: June warming degree days (Base temperature 18°C), JUL18: Degree days July Warming Degree Days (Base Temperature 18°C), AUG18: August Warming Degree Days (Base Temperature 18°C), SEP18: September Warming Degree Days (Base Temperature 18°C), OCT18: October Warming Degree Days (Base Temperature 18°C), NOV18: November Warming Degree Days (Base Temperature 18°C ), DEC18: December heating degree-days (Base temperature 18°C), TOT18: Total year heating degree-days (Base temperature 18°C)]. Contact:

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Field Value
Version 1.0
Last Updated April 25, 2023, 14:52 (UTC)
Created March 27, 2023, 09:28 (UTC)
Group Atmospheric Conditions and meteorological geographical features
harvest_object_id c6bcb5cc-8aa6-430f-9f70-bec4ecacd0c9
harvest_source_id 8ca9268b-d9af-4e75-8bb7-42898920566f
harvest_source_title Greece Geographic - Open Data Portal