The 'Anthropic Pressure Indicator [PA]-buffer' dataset is built around the linear datum that synthetically describes the anthropic pressure of the coastal strip approximately 300 m wide starting from the shoreline towards the hinterland, in the portion of the regional coastal plain between Cattolica (RN) and the mouth of the Po di Volano. The data allows to quickly identify the most critical areas for this phenomenon. The 2008-SGSS Land Use Cartography of the Coast was used for the classification, which was intersected with a set of transects built perpendicular to the shoreline and equidistant 10 m . Thus, for each transect, the length of the different types of intercepted land use was obtained. The sum of the lengths of the different classes of use attributable to anthropic action (Urban; beach with Infrastructures; docks and/or port works) were used to calculate the percentage of anthropization with respect to the total length of the transept, using the following formula :PA (% Urbanized area) = (Summary length of anthropized area / Total transect length) *100The coastal strip was divided into 5 classes with the following anthropization percentages:PA = 0% - 10% (Class 1) PA = 10% - 30% (Class 2) PA = 30% - 60% (Class 3) PA = 60% - 80% (Class 4) PA =80% - 100% (Class 5)Detailed descriptions of the analysis procedure and assessments made can be found in the work: 'Indicators of coastal susceptibility to erosion and flooding' marine available online at the page