Arpa Piedmont - Bathing in Piedmont

Bathing water monitoring carried out by Arpa Piemonte in the April-October period. The Agency carries out checks on the bathing water and issues a weekly bulletin with the bathing judgment based on the samples taken on the various beaches. In particular, the data concerns the beaches of the following Piedmontese lakes and streams: Lake Maggiore, Lake Orta, Lake Mergozzo, Lake Viverone, Lake Candia, Lake Sirio, Lake Grande di Avigliana, Cannobbio and Bernardino streams. In addition to the monitoring information on bathing conditions, the dataset includes the link to the monographs of the beaches, the graphs and the values ​​of the sampling carried out and the bulletin issued. Since 2015, the results of the monitoring of cyanobacteria have also been published, carried out routinely in the areas where flowering has historically occurred. The areas suitable for bathing, identified with a Regional Determination at the beginning of each bathing season, are sampled in points whose location , from withdrawal to withdrawal, does not vary. In relation to bathing assessments, the areas fall into two types: 1. bathing areas, ie those for which the outcome of the analyzes on the sample taken is compliant for all the parameters considered by current legislation; 2. areas temporarily unsuitable for bathing, i.e. those for which the outcome of the analyzes on the sample taken is not compliant for at least one of the parameters considered, up to the first favorable analytical outcome following the pollution event, which demonstrates the restoration of quality water. The samples are taken, at least once a month, in the area normally used by bathers, corresponding to a depth of seabed between 80 and 120 cm. The parameters analyzed are chemical, physical and microbiological. Some chemical-physical parameters are detected in the field. If anomalies are visually found, aliquots will be taken to be sent to the laboratory, for the qualification and quantification of any substances present. The microbiological parameters analyzed are: Escherichia coli and intestinal Enterococci. The withdrawal methods and times, as well as the analytical determinations, are defined by Legislative Decree 116/2008 and by annexes A and D of the implementing decree of 30 March 2010.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated April 29, 2023, 04:42 (UTC)
Created April 29, 2023, 04:42 (UTC)
GUID arlpa_to:01.02.12-D_2011-06-21-16:23
access_constraints ["Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (attribution: Arpa Piemonte - Geoportale) -"]
bbox-east-long 9.214257
bbox-north-lat 46.464440
bbox-south-lat 44.060094
bbox-west-long 6.626637
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "creation", "value": "2007-01-01"}, {"type": "publication", "value": "2008-04-01"}, {"type": "revision", "value": "2019-05-01"}]
frequency-of-update weekly
harvest_object_id 9ff5361b-3ed1-4f0e-aaf2-cd08c20f38fe
harvest_source_id 5045f9a0-4055-43f6-b140-9cd49466666b
harvest_source_title GeoDatiGovIt RNDT
licence ["Any initiative to disseminate the information contained in the dataset or derived from it (cartograms, reports, information services), must always mention the source of the original data (authors, owner). For any aggregation or reworking of the data provided aimed at production of products other than the original, while the obligation to cite the source remains, we decline all responsibility."]
lineage The dataset consists of a geographical component (sampling points, described with respect to their main characteristics) and an analytical component of biological parameters which determine the judgment of bathing. The analytical component of biological parameters derives from the Agency's management applications dedicated to archiving of the measurements made in the laboratory. Such data is extracted weekly to make the information available to the public through the Bathing Bulletin map service for the bathing season (April-October).
metadata-date 2011-06-21
metadata-language ita
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Regional Agency for the Protection of the Piedmont", "roles": ["pointOfContact"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[6.626637, 44.060094], [9.214257, 44.060094], [9.214257, 46.46444], [6.626637, 46.46444], [6.626637, 44.060094]]]}
spatial_harvester true
temporal-extent-begin 2008-03-01
temporal-extent-end 2011-11-01