Geological overview map of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000 (GÜK200) - CC 8734 Rosenheim

Parts of the foothills of the Alps and the Alps are shown on the Rosenheim sheet. In the foothills of the Alps, the Molasse Basin extends, which is filled with tertiary sediments as a debris trough of the Alps. The unfolded foreland molasse on the northern edge of the map turns into distorted fold molasse near the Chiemsee. While the tertiary layers in the area of ​​the foreland molasse are largely overlaid by quaternary loose sediments, they are folded up in the area of ​​the fold molasse and increasingly come to light. The Alps dominate the map section. Parts of the Eastern Alps such as the Chiemgau, Tux and Kitzbühel Alps as well as the Wendelgebirge, Mangfallgebirge and Kaisergebirge are included. The following alpine units can be distinguished from north to south: Helvetic and flysch zones are pronounced in a narrow strip that borders the Molasse to the south and is largely overlaid by Quaternary layers. South of Lake Chiemsee both zones are overthrown by the nappes of the Northern Limestone Alps. The Kalkalpin borders here directly on the subalpine Molasse. The Northern Limestone Alps are made up of sedimentary rocks from the Triassic (e.g. Wetterstein limestone, main dolomite) and the Jurassic (silica and limestone). This zone is characterized by various thrusts and overthrusts that interlock or border on blocks and nappes. In the map sheet, three nappe components can be distinguished: Tyrolean thrust masses, Lechtal and Inntal nappes. To the south, the Paleozoic rocks (Ordovician - Devonian) join the greywacke zone. The greywacke zone extends only to the east of the map sheet. In the south-west section, the Inntal nappe of the Limestone Alps is bordered directly by metamorphic rocks of the Central Alps (Lower East Alps). The Lower Eastern Alps are composed of Precambrian and Early Paleozoic phyllites and quartzites. Parts of the Tauern slate shell, which belongs to the Penninic of the central Alpine zone, are recorded on the southern edge of the map sheet. Palaeozoic and Mesozoic metamorphites (phyllite, slate, marble, gneiss and quartzite) form their rock formation. In addition to the legend, which provides information about the age, genesis and petrography of the units shown, a geological section provides insights into the structure of the subsoil. The north-south profile crosses the unfolded and folded Molasse, the Helvetic and Flysch Zones, the Northern Limestone Alps nappes, the Greywacke Zone and the metamorphic rocks of the Central Alps (Lower East Alpine and Penninic).

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Field Value
Last Updated June 16, 2023, 23:29 (UTC)
Created June 16, 2023, 23:29 (UTC)
Alternate identifier ["5FC1B9EF-83B9-46A1-BDE2-42A8DD13C504"]
Contact email
Contact name Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe
Identifier 5FC1B9EF-83B9-46A1-BDE2-42A8DD13C504
Issued 2007-03-14
Language [""]
Modified 2022-08-17
Publisher email
Publisher name Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe
Theme ["", "", ""]
contributorID [""]
harvest_object_id c07825a8-a897-4faa-bc64-f6f7a1715e7b
harvest_source_id 1da0a2ca-d24c-4f40-a127-12319109776d
harvest_source_title Germany - Open Data Portal
maintainer_city Hannover
maintainer_country DE
maintainer_street Stilleweg 2
maintainer_zip 30655
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[11.33, 48.0], [12.67, 48.0], [12.67, 47.2], [11.33, 47.2], [11.33, 48.0]]]}