The map series "Digital Geological Map of Saxony (GK50 dig)" consists of the separately created map series "Digital Geological Map of the Ice Age covered areas of Saxony 1 : 50 000 (Eiszeitkarte)" (edited 1991-1999, digital 2005) in the northern part of Saxony and the map series "Digital Geological Map Erzgebirge/Vogtland 1 : 50 000 (GK50-dig E/V) (2003-2008)" in the southern part. The map sheets of the Ice Age map are essentially developed as a surface map from the contents of the Quaternary lithofacies maps (LKQ) and can be viewed as a surface map for the horizon maps of the LKQ. The basis for the GK50-dig E/V were the GK100 Erzgebirge/Vogtland, the newly mapped geological maps of the last 25 years, as well as unpublished expert opinions, reports and maps from the archive of the state office. The DK50-dig E/V map series consists of a pre-quaternary layer (quaternary covered) and a quaternary layer, both of which together form the surface map.