Average lowest groundwater level (GLG)

The file shows the Average Lowest Groundwater Level compared to the local ground level in the province of North Brabant. This grid data was produced within the framework of the Water Table Depth Model (WDM) and is the country-wide collection of calculated and discretized statistics in grids. In addition to this file (GLG), the Groundwater Level Depth Model (BRO-WDM) consists of several maps, such as GHG, GVG and GT files.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated August 5, 2023, 22:01 (UTC)
Created May 10, 2023, 23:31 (UTC)
GUID 752d5f78-49b6-4354-a51b-06a9379db153
access_constraints []
bbox-east-long 6.128
bbox-north-lat 51.860
bbox-south-lat 51.134
bbox-west-long 4.125
contact-email geo@brabant.nl
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "creation", "value": "2023-03-22"}, {"type": "publication", "value": "2023-03-23"}, {"type": "revision", "value": "2023-03-22"}]
harvest_object_id f35d05d9-ecd0-41f7-abd7-cf878aeda2d2
harvest_source_id eacad305-f98c-4980-b74a-8df76bce70d2
harvest_source_title NationaalGeoregisterNL CSW
licence ["Bestand is alleen voor intern gebruik en kan alleen uitgeleverd worden in het kader van provinciale projecten en nadat een getekende gebruikersovereenkomst is ontvangen.", "De metadata van dit bestand mag extern gepubliceerd worden."]
lineage Voor dit registratie-object is het niveau van de (freatische) grondwaterspiegel bedoeld ten opzichte van maaiveld en niet ten opzichte van een vast referentieniveau (meestal NAP). De term ‘Grondwaterspiegeldiepte’ geeft aan dat het referentieniveau maaiveld is.
metadata-date 2023-08-05
metadata-language dut
progress completed
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Provincie Noord-Brabant", "roles": ["owner"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[4.125, 51.134], [6.128, 51.134], [6.128, 51.86], [4.125, 51.86], [4.125, 51.134]]]}
spatial-reference-system 28992
spatial_harvester true