Data and Resources
Pre-defined Atom Fernradwegehttp://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/ATOM
The long-distance cycle paths are all signposted supra-regional cycle paths...
OpenData-Seite der Bayerischen VermessungsverwaltungINSPIRE Download Service
The long-distance cycle paths are part of the OpenData product portfolio of...
Radwege (Shape)shape
{ "mimeType": "application/x-shapefile", "referenceSystem": "EPSG_25832" }
Ausgewählte Radwege im gpx-FormatGPX
Download selected cycle routes in gpx format
Freizeitwege - Web Map Servicehttp://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/WMS_SRVC
The WMS provides all the locally signposted leisure routes in Bavaria. A...
ausgewählte Radwege (GPX)GPX
{ "mimeType": "application/gpx+xml", "referenceSystem": "EPSG_4326" }
Fernradwege, Radwege und Mountainbikewege im...shape
Download long-distance cycle paths, cycle paths and mountain bike paths in...
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | August 18, 2023, 06:57 (UTC) |
Created | August 18, 2023, 06:57 (UTC) |
Alternate identifier | ["22a00a49-82fc-4562-8176-00bf4a41e587"] |
Contact email | service@geodaten.bayern.de |
Contact name | Landesamt für Digitalisierung, Breitband und Vermessung |
Frequency | http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/frequency/MONTHLY |
GUID | https://piveau.io/set/data/22a00a49-82fc-4562-8176-00bf4a41e587 |
Identifier | 22a00a49-82fc-4562-8176-00bf4a41e587 |
Language | ["http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/language/DEU"] |
Modified | 2023-05-26 |
Publisher URL | http://www.geodaten.bayern.de |
Publisher email | mailto:service@geodaten.bayern.de |
Publisher name | Landesamt für Digitalisierung, Breitband und Vermessung |
Theme | ["http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/data-theme/TRAN"] |
URI | https://piveau.io/set/data/22a00a49-82fc-4562-8176-00bf4a41e587 |
access_rights | http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/metadata-codelist/LimitationsOnPublicAccess/noLimitations |
contributorID | ["http://dcat-ap.de/def/contributors/openDataBayern"] |
dcat_type | http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/metadata-codelist/ResourceType/dataset |
harvest_object_id | 86782d27-ab14-4701-b802-1d88b82a3688 |
harvest_source_id | 1da0a2ca-d24c-4f40-a127-12319109776d |
harvest_source_title | Germany - Open Data Portal |
maintainer_city | München |
maintainer_country | Deutschland |
maintainer_street | Alexandrastraße 4 |
maintainer_tel | +49-89-2129-1111 |
maintainer_url | http://www.geodaten.bayern.de |
maintainer_zip | 80538 |
metadata_harvested_portal | https://opendata.bayern.de |
spatial | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[8.945096154918, 50.564209500592], [13.908908586488, 50.564209500592], [13.908908586488, 47.248435326557], [8.945096154918, 47.248435326557], [8.945096154918, 50.564209500592]]]} |
spatial_text | Bayern |