Ecological State of Transitional Waters 2015-2020 [ARPA Lazio]

The classification of the ecological state of transition waters is based on the use of biological indicators and supporting physicochemical elements. The biological indicators most representative of the pressures typical of transition environments (nutrient enrichment, organic load, pollutants and substrate instability) are: macrophytes, benthic macroinvertebrates and phytoplankton. The chemical-physical elements supporting the biological ones are: dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and reactive phosphorus (P-PO4) expressed as an average annual value and dissolved oxygen. For these parameters, two quality classes are identified: "Good" and "Sufficient". The ecological status of the water body is classified based on the lowest class of the aforementioned indicators according to the schemes provided for by Ministerial Decree 260/2010; there are five quality classes into which it can fall: "High", "Good", "Sufficient", "Poor" and "Bad".

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated November 3, 2023, 22:38 (UTC)
Created November 3, 2023, 22:38 (UTC)
GUID r_lazio:b8710abc-885b-11ed-8d15-0242
access_constraints ["Nessun vincolo"]
bbox-east-long 13.412678566388601
bbox-north-lat 41.42196246645314
bbox-south-lat 41.24820292278615
bbox-west-long 12.872708318902395
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "creation", "value": "2022-12-30"}]
frequency-of-update asNeeded
graphic-preview-description Thumbnail for 'Stato Ecologico Acque di Transizione 2015-2020 [ARPA Lazio]'
graphic-preview-type image/png
harvest_object_id 39804682-6d3d-4adf-bc60-e9ebefc5a3e5
harvest_source_id 5045f9a0-4055-43f6-b140-9cd49466666b
harvest_source_title GeoDatiGovIt RNDT
licence []
lineage n.d.
metadata-date 2023-09-28
metadata-language ita
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Regione Lazio", "roles": ["pointOfContact"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[12.872708318902395, 41.24820292278615], [13.412678566388601, 41.24820292278615], [13.412678566388601, 41.42196246645314], [12.872708318902395, 41.42196246645314], [12.872708318902395, 41.24820292278615]]]}
spatial-reference-system 4326
spatial_harvester true