The DTM elevations (identified as "pixel value" on the map) refer to the land both in urbanized and extra-urban areas, while in areas with lakes and reservoirs the elevations refer to the water level. The main sources used to prepare the DTM are: 1. the regional Topographic Database for approximately 80% of the territory (in particular the information layers concerning the morphology: contour lines, listed points and break lines); 2. Lidar surveys with a resolution of 1 m x 1 m along the branches of the watercourses and, for limited portions where the data were not available, with altimetric data from the previous edition of the regional DTM 20 m x 20, from the source Carta Tecnica Regionale scale 1:10.000 edition 1982-1994. Method of making. For the generation of the DTM 5X 5, 2015 edition, the following data were used: Vector data of the Topographic Database: from the DbT lots available in July 2015, a series of information layers were extracted, analyzed and harmonized, deemed suitable for the creation of a model digital terrain through the preventive construction of the "terrain data model", a vector model of data that provides for the multiscale and multiresolution approach of the data. The accuracy of the altimetric data for these areas depends on the scale of the DBT survey: - in the areas surveyed at a scale of 1:2,000 (urbanized areas), the accuracy at altitude is equal to 0.30m, corresponding to level 4 of the "Technical Requirements for the production of Digital Terrain Models” - Intesa GIS State Regions; - in areas surveyed at a scale of 1:5,000 (intensively infrastructured extra-urban areas) the altitude accuracy is equal to 1m, corresponding to level 3 of the "Technical Requirements for the production of Digital Terrain Models" - in areas surveyed at a 1 scale: 10,000 (extra urban agricultural and forestry) the accuracy at altitude is equal to m 2, corresponding to level 4 of the "Technical Requirements for the production of Digital Terrain Models". The geometric primitives relating to the strata were chosen from the DBT database: vehicular traffic area, secondary mixed road system, rail transport site, embankments, wet area of watercourse, body of water, artificial reservoir, water element , contour lines, quoted points, break lines, slopes. Then the objects were selected, analyzing each single DBT lot, in order to verify the elements to be used and discard any anomalies. The data harmonization activities were carried out in depth for the L050101 "level curves" layer, by selecting the contour lines with an equidistance of 10m and then proceeding with their harmonization along the lot boundaries. At the end of the phase of harmonization and correction of the most obvious cases of anomaly, the TIN model was elaborated and then the DTM 5m of DBT origin was derived, for the areas of the regional territory covered by this type of data. To use the WMS service version 1.3.0 in other viewing software, copy the address from the "on-line resources" field