Tamper alerts

Tampering Notices are Self-Certification Requests, presented by operators affiliated with the Municipality of Milan, to communicate to the Administration the tampering of the soil and subsoil in order to carry out timely interventions. It is possible to issue: * the ordinary notice which involves tampering with the pavement with an excavation of a maximum of 10 m2, as well as types of notices which allow the reporting of specific interventions on the roadway and/or pavement, with different durations and possibly extendable in time. In general, the Notices allow occupation of land not exceeding 60m2 (10 m2 of excavation) for a total duration of 40 days (including extensions). * the emergency alert used to be able to promptly monitor interventions regarding the malfunctioning of the underground service (e.g. gas leaks, faulty electrical/telephone cables, leaking aqueduct pipes, etc.)

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Maintainer SIT and Toponymy Unit
Last Updated September 12, 2023, 17:42 (UTC)
Created April 23, 2023, 02:56 (UTC)
Alternate identifier []
Conforms to []
Frequency DAILY
Identifier DS925
Language ITA
Modified 12-09-2023
Publisher name Direzione Mobilità e Trasporti
Theme [{"subthemes": ["http://eurovoc.europa.eu/100169"], "theme": "GOVE"}]
creator [{"creator_identifier": "01199250158", "creator_name": {"en": "Unit\u00e0 Open Data", "it": "Unit\u00e0 Open Data"}}]
geographical_geonames_url https://www.geonames.org/3173435
geographical_name ITA_MIL
harvest_object_id baabda41-81db-4dac-8a27-d23f946a2bcd
harvest_source_id 46dc7392-5467-4538-8206-63cda4ff68c8
harvest_source_title Municipality of Milan - Open Data Portal
holder_identifier c_f205
holder_name Comune di Milano
publisher_identifier 01199250158
temporal_coverage [{"temporal_end": "2023-09-11", "temporal_start": "2021-06-03"}]