BikeMi stations

Location, characteristics and number of stalls offered of the BikeMI Bike Sharing stations. ## Purpose The dataset shows the list of BikeMi service stations in which the BikeMi service is shared. It is possible to pick up and return the bicycles belonging to the fleet available to users of the service ## Dataset fields * id (ID): Unique numerical identifier of the station * stato (State): Current status of the station * number (Number ): BikeMI station number * name (Name): Station name * type (Type): Type of installation * Single-sided * Double-sided * stalls (Stalls): Number of stalls * venue (Venue): Location of the station * Roadway * Sidewalk * id_via (Street code): Code of the street where the station is located * address (Address): Address * civic (Civic): Civic number * current_zd (ZD/Municipio): Decentralization area / Municipality * anno (Year): Year of realization * geom (Geometry): Point geometry This dataset was released by the municipality of Milan.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Maintainer AMAT - Territory Environment Mobility Agency
Last Updated June 23, 2023, 13:36 (UTC)
Created April 23, 2023, 03:04 (UTC)
Alternate identifier []
Conforms to []
Frequency IRREG
Group Micro-mobility
Identifier DS65
Language ITA
Modified 21-09-2022
Publisher name Mobility, Environment and Energy Directorate
Theme [{"subthemes": [""], "theme": "TRAN"}]
creator [{"creator_identifier": "01199250158", "creator_name": {"en": "Unit\u00e0 Open Data", "it": "Unit\u00e0 Open Data"}}]
geographical_name ITA_MIL
harvest_object_id d7fe4e8c-3d3d-4876-ba05-55ef0fb0c1b0
harvest_source_id 46dc7392-5467-4538-8206-63cda4ff68c8
harvest_source_title Municipality of Milan - Open Data Portal
holder_identifier 01199250158
holder_name the municipality of Milan
publisher_identifier 01199250158
temporal_coverage [{"temporal_end": "2024-09-20", "temporal_start": "2022-09-21"}]