Firms: number of firms and workers by business sector of the firm and characteristics of the workers

The dataset contains the companies surveyed in the 9th Census of Industry and Services. The survey units are: sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations, cooperatives (excluding social cooperatives, covered by the survey on non-profit institutions), private law consortia, economic public bodies, special companies and public utility companies. For the purposes of the census, self-employed workers and freelancers are also considered enterprises. The companies are classified by Ateco 2007 (5 digits), legal form, group membership, company size, artisan company character and presence of employees. NOTE: the company size is defined on the basis of the employee class: micro (less than 10 employees), small (from 10 to 49), medium (from 50 to 259), large (250 or more employees). For further information on the census see the website This dataset was released by the municipality of Milan.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Maintainer Statistical Services Unit
Last Updated April 23, 2023, 02:47 (UTC)
Created April 23, 2023, 02:47 (UTC)
Alternate identifier []
Conforms to []
Frequency NEVER
Identifier DS196
Language ITA
Modified 06-12-2013
Publisher name Technological and Digital Innovation Department
Theme [{"subthemes": [""], "theme": "ECON"}]
creator [{"creator_identifier": "01199250158", "creator_name": {"en": "Unit\u00e0 Servizi Statistici", "it": "Unit\u00e0 Servizi Statistici"}}]
geographical_name ITA_MIL
harvest_object_id c026bd1b-a5af-432c-9b26-4c1205619d72
harvest_source_id 46dc7392-5467-4538-8206-63cda4ff68c8
harvest_source_title Municipality of Milan - Open Data Portal
holder_identifier 01199250158
holder_name the municipality of Milan
publisher_identifier 01199250158
temporal_coverage [{"temporal_end": "2011-12-31", "temporal_start": "2011-01-01"}]