
The municipal district designates a partition of the commune of Paris.Demarcation of the districts: the imperial decree of November 1, 1859 fixes the names of the twenty districts of the city of Paris. The municipalities of Lyon and Marseille also have an administrative organization in districts. Geographic and topological constraints:A district is made up of a single polygon. The graphic layer respects a surface topology. Topological coherence is characterized by the absence of “hole” or “overlap” between districts.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/dataset/arrondissements/
Last Updated September 13, 2023, 10:44 (UTC)
Created September 13, 2023, 10:44 (UTC)
Frequency Pas de mise à jour
GUID https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/dataset/arrondissements/
Identifier https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/dataset/arrondissements/
Issued 2013-09-30T00:00:00
Language ["http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-1/fr"]
Modified 2016-03-04T13:44:44+00:00
Publisher URI https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/?refine.publisher=Direction+de+l%27Urbanisme+-+Ville+de+Paris
Publisher name Direction de l'Urbanisme - Ville de Paris
Theme ["https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/?refine.theme=Urbanisme+et+Logements"]
URI https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/dataset/arrondissements/
harvest_object_id dec8ad29-e9ce-46a0-9da8-69d3241e1558
harvest_source_id fd1c099b-1a4f-49e9-b2e6-afc98c862115
harvest_source_title Paris open Data