Digital consultation - Paris biodiversity plan - Ideas box - 2016

Data from the following digital consultation campaign: "Paris Biodiversity Plan"The consultation was open to Madam Mayor, I have an idea! from July 28 to December 20, 2016.Five years after the adoption of its first Biodiversity Plan, the City wanted to draw up a new Plan with Parisians, taking into account the desire to strengthen the place of nature in Paris by 2020 as well as regulatory changes such as the new local urban plan or the new Biodiversity law.From March to the end of April 2016, Parisians took part in the evaluation of biodiversity and the Biodiversity Plan of 2011. Consultation workshops were held in all the borough town halls and ended with a feedback forum.This report highlighted the need to communicate more about the plan and its actions, the desire of Parisians to become actors in biodiversity. It also made it possible to identify the 4 action themes for the future Plan: involve and mobilize all stakeholders around biodiversity; give more space to biodiversity in the city; apply management methods favorable to habitats and species; placing biodiversity at the heart of public action.The proposals of Parisians online and during co-construction workshops were used to develop the actions of the new Biodiversity Plan.

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Last Updated August 29, 2023, 20:41 (UTC)
Created March 27, 2023, 12:10 (UTC)
Identifier concertation-numerique-plan-biodiversite-de-paris-boite-a-idees-2016@parisdata
Issued 2023-02-28T15:34:59+00:00
Language [""]
Modified 2023-02-28T15:34:59+00:00
Publisher URI
Publisher name DDCT - Direction de la Démocratie, des et des Territoires
Theme [""]
related_resource ["La consultation n'est plus disponible en ligne \u00e0 compter de d\u00e9cembre 2022 en raison d'un changement de plateforme"]