Geognostic evidence database - Geotechnical parameters (points)
Data and Resources
Interactive cartography and databases
Prove geognostiche e geotecniche
The geognostic database
Database of geognostic tests - Shear testsZIP
Geognostic evidence database - Physical parametersZIP
Geognostic evidence database - Permeability...ZIP
Unnamed resource
Unnamed resource
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | June 7, 2023, 01:06 (UTC) |
Created | April 27, 2023, 23:11 (UTC) |
GUID | r_emiro:2022-01-28T103517 |
access_constraints | [] |
bbox-east-long | 13.11 |
bbox-north-lat | 45.21 |
bbox-south-lat | 43.61 |
bbox-west-long | 9.11 |
contact-email | |
coupled-resource | [] |
dataset-reference-date | [{"type": "revision", "value": "2023-05-23"}] |
frequency-of-update | irregular |
graphic-preview-file | |
licence | ["CC BY 3.0 (Creative Commons - Attribuzione)"] |
lineage | Informatizzazione di dati estrapolati da documenti e materiale cartografico cartaceo proveniente da archivi pubblici e privati e acquisizione di dati da prove geognostiche commissionate dal Servizio Geologico, Sismico e dei Suoli, per l'implementazione della banca dati. |
metadata-date | 2023-05-23 |
metadata-language | ita |
progress | |
resource-type | dataset |
responsible-party | [{"name": "Alberto Martini - Area Geologia, Suoli e Sismica - Settore Difesa del Territorio - Regione Emilia-Romagna", "roles": ["pointOfContact"]}] |
spatial | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[9.11, 43.61], [13.11, 43.61], [13.11, 45.21], [9.11, 45.21], [9.11, 43.61]]]} |
spatial-data-service-type | |
spatial-reference-system | RDN2008/UTM zone 32N |
spatial_harvester | true |
temporal-extent-begin | 1992-01-01 |
temporal-extent-end | 2023-12-31 |