Criteria for evaluating soil functions 2001 (environmental atlas)
Data and Resources
Filter capacity of soils 2001 (environmental atlas)view
Representation of the filtering capacity of the soils based on blocks and...
Exchange frequency of soil water 2001...view
Representation of the frequency of exchange of soil water on the basis of...
Nutrient supply of the topsoil 2001...view
Representation of the nutrient supply of the topsoil (0 - 3 dm) on the basis...
Naturalness of soils 2001 (environmental atlas)view
Representation of the naturalness of the soils on the basis of blocks and...
Regional Rarity of Soil Associations 2001...view
Representation of the regional rarity of the soil associations on a block and...
Water supply of the soil 2001 (environmental atlas)view
Representation of the water supply of the soil on the basis of blocks and...
Nutrient storage / pollutant binding capacity...view
Representation of the nutrient storage / pollutant binding capacity of the...
Binding strength of the soil for heavy metals...view
Representation of the binding strength for heavy metals in the soil on the...
Special natural characteristics of the soil...view
Representation of the special natural characteristics of the soil on the...
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | June 16, 2023, 20:33 (UTC) |
Created | June 16, 2023, 20:33 (UTC) |
Alternate identifier | ["e64c037a-3e39-3035-99d8-9e9f46caf7cf"] |
Contact email | |
Contact name | Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Mobilität, Verbraucher- und Klimaschutz Berlin |
GUID | |
Identifier | e64c037a-3e39-3035-99d8-9e9f46caf7cf |
Issued | 2005-08-01 |
Language | [""] |
Modified | 2022-09-02T16:49:34 |
Publisher email | |
Publisher name | Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Mobilität, Verbraucher- und Klimaschutz Berlin |
Theme | ["", "", ""] |
URI | |
access_rights | |
contributorID | [""] |
dcat_type | |
harvest_object_id | 6713fbf4-df9a-493e-8025-852a50ea917e |
harvest_source_id | 1da0a2ca-d24c-4f40-a127-12319109776d |
harvest_source_title | Germany - Open Data Portal |
maintainer_tel | +49-30-9025-2487 |
metadata_harvested_portal | |
spatial | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[12.9709, 52.6954], [13.8109, 52.6954], [13.8109, 52.3005], [12.9709, 52.3005], [12.9709, 52.6954]]]} |