The dataset 'Flowers P2 - Tr=100 years - areas' is a classification of the expected windfalls in the areas bounded as P2 pursuant to Legislative Decree 49/2010 - Flood Directive 2007/60. However, for the beach it is suggested to use the information level 'flying beach' which is more precautionary. The cartography of the floodgates was produced using the model, in_CoastFlood (a GIS tool), developed by SGSS for the rapid processing of coastal hazard maps, pursuant to Legislative Decree 49/2010. For each of the three scenarios (Tr10, Tr100 and Tr>>100) a new 'run' of the model was carried out, using the 2012 DTM (or 2010, in the areas without 2012 coverage) as a high-resolution topographical basis, both DTMs are more accurate than the 2008 DTM used for the hazard maps in the Flood Directive in 2013. For the extraction of the leaves, the modeling stops when the 'damping surface' is generated, from which the 2012 DTM is subtracted, obtaining thus a 'grid' of dimensions, which represents the shutters. The modeling was preceded by a quality test phase which made it possible to ascertain that the result, in terms of extension of the floodable areas, did not differ from the areas mapped in the 2013. The test also concerned the comparison with: 1) the inundation and headland maps obtained with the two-dimensional DHI Mike 2 model in two sites of the regional coast (Lido di Savio and Cesenatico); 2) the data measured on the occasion of the centennial storm event of 6-7 February 2015. The results of the comparisons were very comforting. The classification is represented in altimetric bands (6 classes of water height): minimum class 0-50 cm and maximum class > 250 cm.