Cadastral plot plan Flanders, fiscal situation 01/01/2018 - correction

The product 'Cadastral plot plan Flanders, fiscal situation 01/01/2018' contains CadGIS data of Flanders, for the fiscal situation, valid on 1 January 2018.CadGIS is the new form in which the Cadastral plot plan is used by the General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation ( AAPD) is offered. The annual update of the cadastral parcel plan to the legal status of 1 January is made available as CadGIS fiscally and is in that sense the successor to CADMAP. The cadastral parcel plan is the graphical representation and collection on a plan of all cadastral plan parcels of the territory. It is one of the datasets of the geographic information system for patrimonial documentation. The dataset consists of the following layers: cadastral plan plots, property boundary markers, buildings, material and equipment, easements and footpaths, street names, place names and water surfaces and cadastral plot blocks. Information Flanders has acquired the rights to make CadGIS of Flanders available to the participants in GDI Flanders and to network operators of physical pipeline networks as referred to in the GRB decree.

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Field Value
Last Updated April 6, 2023, 10:30 (UTC)
Created April 6, 2023, 10:30 (UTC)
GUID a9a57d98-3114-4215-986b-ba91f8190b31
access_constraints ["Network operators of physical pipeline networks can use the data under the same conditions as Flemish government authorities.", "Source reference requirement: If you share the cadastral plan (including in modified form), you are obliged to:- Keep the following if it has been approved by the FPS Finance The cadastral plan is accompanied by: a) identification of the FPS Finance as the author of the cadastral plan; b) a copyright notice; c) a reference to the license; d) a reference to the limitations of guarantees and the exclusion of liability; e) a URI or hyperlink to the cadastral plan as far as reasonably possible; - Indicate whether you have edited the cadastral plan, and retain an indication of any previous changes; - Indicate that the cadastral plan is subject to this License, and include the text of, or the URI or hyperlink to, the license. You may comply with the above terms in any reasonable manner subject to the medium, means, and context in which you submit the cadastral plan shares. For example, you can meet the conditions mentioned above by placing a URI or hyperlink to a resource containing the required information. At the request of the FPS Finance, you are obliged to remove all information mentioned above insofar as this is reasonably possible. "]
bbox-east-long 5.92
bbox-north-lat 51.51
bbox-south-lat 50.67
bbox-west-long 2.53
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "publication", "value": "2018-12-20"}, {"type": "revision", "value": "2018-01-01"}]
graphic-preview-description Preview
graphic-preview-type jpg
licence []
lineage Creation of extract fiscal status cadastral parcel plan
metadata-date 2023-03-27
metadata-language i have
progress historicalArchive
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "", "roles": ["custodian", "owner"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[2.53, 50.67], [5.92, 50.67], [5.92, 51.51], [2.53, 51.51], [2.53, 50.67]]]}
spatial_harvester true
temporal-extent-begin 2018-01-01
temporal-extent-end 2018-12-31