Budgets Votés - Budget Annexes

The ancillary budgets, distinct from the main budget itself, but voted on by the deliberative assembly, must be established for certain specialized local services. In Paris, there are 5 Annex Budgets: Water, Sanitation, Gravedigging, Municipal Automobile Transport and Child Social Assistance. The latter comes under the departmental budget while the first 4 come under the municipal budget.These budgets make it possible to establish the real cost of a service and to determine precisely the price to be paid by its users alone for balance the accounts. The dataset contains, by budget, for a given financial year, all the amounts voted by budgetary section (investment or operation), in expenditure or revenue and by budget allocation. Column name Description Accounting year Year concerned Budget Budget type (General Budget or Annex Budget) and related budget nomenclature (M14 for the municipality, M52 for the department) Budget Section (I/F) Expenditures or Revenues falling under the operating section or the investment section td> Direction (Expense / Revenue) Indicates whether it is expenditure or revenue Type of operation (R/O/I/M) Specifies whether this relates to real expenses (type R) or order expenses (types I/O/M). The latter do not cause any disbursement (for expenses) or collection (for revenue) Type of Vote It may be the Initial Budget (BP) which is annual or a sub-annual budgetary decision (Supplementary Budget or Modifying Decision) Budget Chapter - Key Indicates the number chapter concerned according to the budget nomenclature (M14, M52, etc.) referred to Budget Chapter - Text Label corresponding to the name of the chapter concerned of the budget nomenclature (M14, M52…) targeted Budget Nature - Key The nature specifies the type of expenditure and the key specifies the number according to the budget nomenclature (M14, M52…) targeted Budget Nature - Text The nature specifies the type of expenditure and the text specifies the wording according to the budget nomenclature (M14, M52…) targeted Voted appropriations (pmt) Payment appropriations constitute the upper limit of expenditure that can be mandated during the year for the coverage of commitments contracted within the framework of the corresponding Program Authorizations.

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Source https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/dataset/budgets-votes-annexes/
Last Updated September 13, 2023, 10:41 (UTC)
Created September 13, 2023, 10:41 (UTC)
GUID https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/dataset/budgets-votes-annexes/
Identifier https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/dataset/budgets-votes-annexes/
Issued 2020-11-25T09:21:06+00:00
Language ["http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-1/fr"]
Modified 2020-11-25T09:21:06+00:00
Publisher URI https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/?refine.publisher=Direction+des+Finances+et+des+Achats+-+Ville+de+Paris
Publisher name Direction des Finances et des Achats - Ville de Paris
Theme ["https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/?refine.theme=Administration+et+Finances+Publiques"]
URI https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/dataset/budgets-votes-annexes/
harvest_object_id f363c7ed-fe76-48a6-a46f-5b166ee141b1
harvest_source_id fd1c099b-1a4f-49e9-b2e6-afc98c862115
harvest_source_title Paris open Data