State-wide biotope mapping SH including register of legally protected biotopes (SH4) - complete data set with third-party mapping Note: Data from the maritime LRT 1110 and 1170 in the Baltic Sea are in the separate data set Maritime_Daten_Ostsee_LRT_1110_und_1170 - Projection: ETRS89, GRS80 ellipsoid, UTM zone 32, with leading 32 in easting (EPSG code: 4647) - Status: April 2023 - Collection scale: 1:5,000 - Terms of use see allgemeine_Nutzungbedingungen_Naturschutzfachdaten.pdf - Attributes see SH4_BKSH_Flaechen_Attribut-Structure.pdf ## Remarks This geodata set includes all value biotopes (according to § 30 BNatSchG in conjunction with § 21 LNatSchG legally protected biotopes and/or habitat types according to Annex I of the FFH- Directive) and non-value biotopes (neither legally protected nor FFH habitat type) from the state-wide biotope mapping Schleswig-Holstein 2014-2020 (BK) and other mapping projects. An assignment is possible via the "Origin" attribute column, the contents of which are explained below: BK
- data set comes from BK Phase 2 (2015-2020), Seen
- data set comes from the independent WFD lake monitoring project, SH2
- Imported records from the Register of Legally Protected Habitats. Some of the mapped biotopes were recorded by LLUR employees. In part, data from other mappings (e.g. FFH habitat types mapping, raised moor mapping outside FFH areas, moor forest and alluvial forest mapping, salt marsh mapping of the NPA, forest biotope mapping in state forests, lake mapping of LLUR Dept. 4, mapping of the site exercise areas, landscape plans, etc. ) after verification by the LLUR in the database. Some of the data was collected before 2014. WGL14
- data set comes from the BK phase 1 (value grassland mapping 2014, WGL); Important note: From the value grassland mapping, only the areas or geometries with the associated data sets that meet the status as value biotope are stored in the present geodata set, WGL-BK
- data set comes from BK - phase 1. Subsequently, either a Correction with regard to the geometries carried out by the LLUR or a previously registered status as "valuable grassland (WGL)" within the meaning of the "species-rich and structurally rich permanent grassland" placed under the statutory biotope protection in 2016 was withdrawn again because in the data set the finally binding specified number of indicator species is not reached or the required regular distribution of the valuable species inventory within the area as a whole was assessed as a borderline case. WGL17
- In 2017, a review of the permanent grassland areas recorded in the state-wide biotope mapping in the mapping period 2014 to 24.06.2016 as "permanent grassland rich in species and structures" was carried out. This review served to create legal certainty as to whether the areas met the requirements of the statutory biotope protection at the time of the review in 2017. Because the "species and structure-rich permanent grassland" was only placed under the statutory biotope protection with the amendment of the Schleswig-Holstein State Nature Conservation Act (LNatSchG) in 2016. With the publication of the changes to the LNatSchG and other regulations in the Law and Ordinance Gazette for Schleswig-Holstein (Issue No. 7 of June 23, 2016), the biotope protection became legally binding on the day after publication. Compared to the overall data sets of the state-wide biotope mapping from the previous years (2014-2017), it can therefore happen in individual cases that for grassland areas the status as "permanent grassland rich in species and structure" and thus the legal biotope protection could not be confirmed during the review in 2017. Under the entry WGL17, areas from other regional projects in Schleswig-Holstein were also checked in 2017 and integrated into the overall project of state-wide biotope mapping. Salt meadows
- data set comes from the independent "salt meadow and dune mapping" commissioned by the LKN, which was carried out in the area of the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park and in the adjacent coastal areas including the North Frisian Islands and Helgoland (NPV Tönning). LFK
- The data of this origin come from an aerial photo-supported evaluation within the framework of the agricultural area cadastre (LFK) and include standing water within agricultural areas according to VO no. 1b and small bodies of water according to VO no. 7. The crooked and field hedges also included in the LFK are in a separate one line shape. ## Further explanation of the term "biotope of value" Within the framework of the BK, biotopes of value basically include all areas that are either legally protected biotopes according to § 30 BNatSchG i. V. m. § 21 LNatSchG apply and/or are to be addressed as a habitat type (LRT) according to Appendix I of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC, May 21, 1992). With regard to the legal biotope protection, the status after the amendment of the State Nature Conservation Act (LNatSchG) in 2016 (publication in the GVO No. 7 of 23.06.2016, page 162) is taken into account and includes the "permanent grassland rich in species and structures". The changes due to § 21 paragraph 7 of the State Nature Conservation Act (LNatSchG), last amended by the ordinance of March 27, 2019 (GVOBl. Schl.-H. S. 85), are also taken into account. In the present geodata set, the value biotopes include all areas/geometries that have an entry of a biotope regulation number (VO) in the table columns BTSCHUTZ_1
and/or BTSCHUTZ_2
of the attribute table or that in the table columns LRT_TYP_1
and/or LRT_TYP_2
have a Natura 2000 or EU LRT code entry. The LLUR points out that the protection of § 30 BNatSchG i. V. m. § 21 LNatSchG is activated if and as soon as an area fulfills the characteristic features of a legally protected biotope. The registration discussed in Section 30 (7), which is based on state law and is mostly reflected in biotope maps, lists or biotope directories, is therefore only of declaratory importance. This must be taken into account with regard to the areas in the area outside the test background of BK Phase 2, which are not included in the present geodata set and are correspondingly attributed, especially when areas with the corresponding vegetation characteristics are outside the aforementioned test background, but due to the vegetation and the character are still protected by law. Because it is not only through mapping or recording and registration that areas become protected biotopes, but the character of legally protected biotopes results directly from the law. If you have any questions or are in doubt, you should consult the responsible person in the LLUR. ## Technical responsibility State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas Department 5, Nature Conservation and Forestry - Department 51 Biodiversity Hamburger Chaussee 25 24220 Flintbek E-Mail: