Cycle traffic volumes (city cycling) Hamburg

This data set contains the volume of bicycle traffic that was recorded as part of the "Stadtradeln" campaign of the Climate Alliance e.V. by users of the Stadtradeln app in the city of Hamburg in the years 2018 to 2020 in a 3-week period. The data set is an excerpt of a Germany-wide data set. This data set was processed as part of the MOVEBIS research project at the TU Dresden. This is an mFUND project of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. The data is under the CC-BY-NC license, i.e. it may not be used for commercial purposes and the author must be named. The author is as follows: "Grubitzsch P., Lißner S., Huber S., Springer T., [2021] Technical University of Dresden, Professorship for Computer Networks and Professorship for Traffic Ecology". The grid basis onto which the data is projected comes from Open Street Maps. Only the traffic volumes for the city of Hamburg are included in the present dataset. The Germany-wide data (bicycle traffic volumes, speeds and heat maps) are available via the mCloud (see links). The data was processed for Hamburg, in particular for display in the municipal geoportals. The data is primarily used for a qualitative assessment of which roads are used by bicycle traffic and how much and whether there have been changes/shifts over the years, e.g. because bicycle traffic facilities have been renovated or newly built. The absolute figures, on the other hand, are not very meaningful, since they depend largely on the number of participants in the City Cycling campaign and have accordingly increased significantly over the years. It should also be noted that the participants in the Stadtradeln campaign and thus the routes used are not necessarily representative of the total population and cycling in the entire city.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Authority for Transport and Mobility Transition (BVM)
Maintainer Authority for Transport and Mobility Transition (BVM)
Version 4.0
Last Updated June 23, 2023, 13:38 (UTC)
Created June 17, 2023, 00:05 (UTC)
Conforms to [""]
Contact name Behörde für Verkehr und Mobilitätswende (BVM)
End of temporal extent 2020-12-31T00:00:00
Group Micro-mobility
Identifier BE8ADF33-EAE3-4F55-A913-600391A35B8C
Issued 2023-05-15T00:00:00
Language [""]
Modified 2023-05-15T20:43:51.610163
Publisher name Behörde für Verkehr und Mobilitätswende (BVM)
Start of temporal extent 2018-01-01T00:00:00
Theme ["", ""]
Version notes Änderungen innerhalb einer Ressource
author_contacttype Organization
contributorID [""]
documentation [""]
geocodingText ["Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg"]
harvest_object_id ec72036f-bf58-45eb-8ac8-aeaa318c03bb
harvest_source_id 1da0a2ca-d24c-4f40-a127-12319109776d
harvest_source_title Germany - Open Data Portal
is_version_of [""]
legalbasisText ["Hamburgisches Transparenzgesetz (HmbTG). URL: Gesetzestext:"]
maintainer_contacttype Organization
originator_contacttype Organization
originator_name Behörde für Verkehr und Mobilitätswende (BVM)
politicalGeocodingURI [""]
provenance Der Datensatz wurde geharvestet. Ursprung: Metaverbund Katalog
source [""]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[10.326304, 53.394985], [10.326304, 53.964153], [8.420551, 53.964153], [8.420551, 53.394985], [10.326304, 53.394985]]]}